wrong direction

815 13 3

ship - donah
warnings - sad
wc - 485

Dear Jonah,

I don't hate you. There. I said it. Honestly, I don't think I ever could, even if I wanted to. I just hate that you've done this to me. I can't believe that it was you who put me through all this hurt. All this time I thought you cared about me. Genuinely cared about me. 

But I shouldn't have kept telling myself that. I guess I'm to blame. Especially after I caught you with that blonde all those months ago. You know I knew, right? I knew that you were traipsing around with other people behind my back. I don't even think you cared if I found out. But nonetheless, I still walked around with a smile on my face, like a total idiot. I guess it's my fault too.

You know, I could never reach your stupid ego. I thought that maybe if I tried hard enough, if I stood on my tiptoes, I could take some of it away from you. Maybe that way it would stop clouding your judgment, so maybe you could love something other than yourself. 

Everyone thinks that you're this nice guy who likes talking with people and making them happy. They think you do it because you care about them. But the truth is, you don't. You don't really give a shit about anyone but yourself.

 I learned the hard way that you could never care about anyone or anything if there wasn't something in it for you. 

Every time you would disappear, or go on a "business trip," or go to a friend's house to stay the night, I always managed to convince myself that you were sleeping alone. Because that's what I wanted. 

Was that your intention going into this so-called "relationship" of ours? To hurt me? To make me love you, only to push me down? Did you want me to feel like I actually had a chance? That we had a chance to make it work? 

While you were out doing who knows what, I would be here painting us a perfect life, a happy ending. And then everytime you would come home, usually late, I would still love you because even though it burned like hell, I convinced myself that it felt like heaven.

I hope you feel at least a little sorry about what you did, and that you learn from your mistakes. If not, I'm sorry for anyone else you get involved with.

Please don't try and contact me. 



Daniel dropped the letter into his ex-boyfriend's mailbox. He was done holding onto the past, and writing that letter helped him let go of the pain that he had caused.

He turned around and took a deep breath before walking away. As he started his car to leave, he made a promise to himself.

He was never gonna let himself fall in the wrong direction ever agian.

This sucked ✨ a s s
Also, I didn't proof-read it, so sorry if it doesn't make sense
Have a good day/night :)

°This sucked ✨ a s s ✨Also, I didn't proof-read it, so sorry if it doesn't make senseHave a good day/night :)

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