Clone Number Nine

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I get to the garage, find my car, and hop in. Twenty mins later, I'm at Boring Leaf Corp. I hate this place so much but, I hate my boss more. He always seems to know what is going on even when he's not in the room. while I'm parking the car, in my assigned spot, I take a few deep breaths. Once I'm ready, I walk out of the car and into the building I've worked at for almost ten years. Mr. Smath, our receptionist, informs me that the boss wants to see me in his office before I get to y desk. Raising my eyebrow, I shrug and walk to his office.

I knock on the door, "Mr. Enzo? You wanted to speak to me?" I poke my head in and he gestures for me to come in and shut the door. , So I do. 

"Evan, I wanted to talk to you today to let you know that we are giving you project to one of your colleges," he says calmly, "Also, myself and my higher-ups have decided we have to let you go." I blink. He goes on, "Your final paycheck will be sent to your bank account in about two days. Thank you for all you have done for this company, you are dismissed."

I turn on my heels and walk out the door stiffly, still trying to wrap my head around the whole meeting. I walk right to my desk and start to clean it of ten years.

The ninth clone will go to finding out why I was fired.

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