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That one weekend was unusually... different.

I did have fun.

I played games with my brother,

I went outside for dinner with my family,

I did other stuffs usually saved for the weekend,

I did have fun.

But, you know what?

My mind always went back to that ice cream shop.

And you.

I just couldn't wait any longer for another weekday,

so that I could hope to see you again.

In that one ice cream shop,

where everything began for me.


It was Sunday night, when Mingyu lied down on his bed silently, already under the cover, but his mind didn't want to let him sleep. He reached out his hand upwards, trying to touch the ceiling which was decorated by star-shaped glow-in-the-dark ornaments he put years ago when he and his family moved to that house. It was just another dim light source besides the night lamp placed on the dresser, next to Kibum's bed, under his one. Their bed was two-bunk bed, and Mingyu chose the upper one eagerly.

The room was silent, but not totally, as sounds of water flowing could be heard from the bathroom. Mingyu was supposed to sleep early, as tomorrow was another school day for him, but his mind had been bothered by something since Saturday—or even since Friday night. You could guess it right, the specific older boy, with black hair, that he saw at the ice cream shop. He didn't understand much why he felt flushed the time the boy looked back at him at their last encounter. One thing was sure, Mingyu was somehow curious about him. And curious about it.

By 'it', I meant his brother's words.

Love at the first sight.

Mingyu didn't know what it meant—of course, he knew the meaning of the clause, word by word.

Suddenly light filled the room as Kibum went out of the restroom before turning dark once again after he turned the bathroom light off. Mingyu silently rolled to his side, leaning toward the edge of the bed, to see his brother walking to his own bed, plopping his body on the bed, letting out kind of finally-it's-sleep sigh. Kibum didn't seem to notice that Mingyu was looking at him as he just picked up his phone from the dresser; as to his knowing, Mingyu should be asleep by now.

"Hyung..." Mingyu called out softly, sending both confusion and a bit of surprise to his brother.

"Why are you still awake, Gyu?" He put his phone down to his chest as he made an eye contact with his little brother, head peeking through the side of the bed.

Mingyu casually rolled back and lied on his back, once again looking at the ceiling, but without trying to uselessly reach it. A silence occurred for a few seconds, as Mingyu wasn't sure how to ask that, neither was he sure if he should ask. After mustering enough bravery, Mingyu finally spoke up, definitely louder than before to let Kibum hear. "What... did you mean by 'love at first sight'?"

Kibum was a bit taken aback by the kind of question thrown by his middle-schooler brother. It wasn't wrong in anyway, though, because it was normal to fall in love, whether it was real or just temporary. "Uhm—love at first sight m-means," Kibum said, unknowingly stuttering, "just as it is. You fall in love just by seeing someone the first time. Umm... without any real action. Just... that person steals your heart, kind of..."

Mingyu didn't seem to notice the tremendous amount of unsureness Kibum was using in his words. He just asked further, "Do you believe in one, Hyung?"

The older boy seemed to be more taken aback as Mingyu continued the topic. Love was probably a new thing to his brother, so he wanted to do his best to tell him what it was. Kibum hummed for a while, thinking what kind of answer would be the best. "I do," he said simply.

Mingyu was greatly intrigued by the answer and rolled to his side again, leaning to the side of the bed to look at his brother. Kibum returned his stare and chuckled slightly as Mingyu rolled back in the speed of light. "But I don't think I already have one, Gyu," he answered. "I don't know, I probably haven't fallen in love with anyone—or it is just me being blunt that I didn't realize I have."

Mingyu sighed a bit, quiet enough so that Kibum wouldn't hear. He just hummed in response as he rolled to his left, facing the wall. He ignored the creaking sound of the bed under him, probably just Kibum tossing and turning to find a comfortable sleeping position. "Why are you asking, anyway?"

The little boy almost jumped on his bed as he suddenly heard Kibum's voice behind him, right behind him. He turned around, still in surprise, to find Kibum resting his chin on the edge of his bed. Kibum was tiptoeing on his bed, grasping tightly on Mingyu's bed as he looked at his surprised expression of his brother. He then soon earned a hiss of irritation and a hit on his head from his beloved brother.

"Yah!" he yelled back quietly as he slapped his brother's arm with his left hand. Mingyu kindly accepted the invitation and their hands brawled, flapping every here and there, trying to hit each other. Soon, the fought ended as the two of them laughed happily. Kibum ruffled Mingyu's hair before going to his own bed once again. "Don't worry about it so much, Gyu," he said, continuing the interrupted conversation from before, "you'll learn more as you grow up. Good night, Gyu." And with that, he turned off the lamp, letting the room go dark again, letting the image of the nose-scrunching boy entered Mingyu's head again.

'Is this... it?' he asked himself.

Meanwhile on the lower side, Kibum knew very well that Mingyu most likely was referring to the boy. He just smiled. He didn't want to tease his brother with that, as to his belief, love and feelings were considered a sensitive topic that one shouldn't play with.


As i don't know whay to write here i will just thank you readers uwu 😌💕 college's starting and i never knew the start would be this exhausting already 😂 but eh again thank you for readinh this plotless story anyway~

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