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Randy woke up, being tired to go to school. Why does school has to exist? He got up and went to the shower, wears clothing and got ready for school. Before he was about to go, he saw his Ninja Nomicon glowing out for him as a reminder.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot about you. Come on!" He took the ninja book but got shloomped before got o the front door.

In the Nomicon. Filled with ninja lessons, and doodles. Randy loves this place, as if it was his home. Then, his favorite teacher came to him with his Kuudere personality. Such a charm. He has a mask covering his face, so he can't really see the facial. But one thing for sure, he does love him. Very much.

"Hey, Nomicon dude! What's up?" Randy asked. Nomicon sent a new riddle at him.

"One choice will change everything." The doodle said. Then it showed a doodle ninja making a side choice and something horrible happen to it. Randy cringed at the sight.

"Ouch, That is gonna hurt." First Ninja came to him.

"Yes, so be aware Randy. You never know what danger shall came to you when you need to do a one side choice." Randy nod his head understanding.

"Don't worry! I need to go to school now. See ya, Nomicon!" Randy gave Nomicon a peck before left. Nomicon don't realize it but then blushed a bit.

"Should he know that you'll be at his school until the end of his ninja duties?" First asked Nomicon. He smirked.

"Nope, not yet that is~"

Achoo! Achoo! Randy sneezed. Huh. Is it a cold? Probably no. Is it? Oh well. He arrived at the school and Howard came snickered.

"Hey, Cunningham! Guess what!"


"We're having a new student, and the girls says that he's a hot guy." Howard knew that Randy's interested in kind and hot guys. Yeah it's true.

"Really? Where?" They then heard a squeal.

"Eeeeekkkkk!!!!! It's the new guy!!" They rushed towards a boy with red hair, brown eyes and a charming smile. His body is damn fit too, but not that much that turned him into a bicep type guy. Just, perfect. Randy blushed at him.

"He's a hunk, ain't he?" Howard teased. Randy blushed again.

"Sorry ladies, I need to go. Ja." He said coldly and left. It was hot.

Then Randy realized something. Is this the one side choice he has to interfere?! Wait,

"I have two crushes?!" Randy screamed in the inside.

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