Chapter 1: Ansley- Stay with the Dogs

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As I walk to homeroom, I frown. I'm not ready to talk to anyone about what happened yesterday. It's just too dissapointing. Before I even step one foot in the door, people surround me. (Just as I suspected.) Three girls, that is. "Hey, Ansley." one says. I try to brush past them, but I know I have to be nicer than that. "What?" I say implying that I can't be bothered right now. "Listen, I'm really sorry but.." she starts putting on a fake dissapointed face and making a speech filled with lies and thoughts that are not her own. Here we go again, I think as I roll my eyes. She needs to learn to stop listening to Amelia- that little skank. "I'm sorry, we are not trying to be exclusive, it's just... we want to be seperate. It seems to hard to manage." Lies, lies, lies. "Yeah, how are you even going to control that?" her sister says with her nose scrunched up in the usual judgemental tone. I step towards them and make my ground clear.

"Look, we are fine either way. I know it will work because I've seen her do it before and she's a miracle worker. That's how," I partially lie. Technically, it's not a full lie, because I know she can do it, I've just never seen her do it. Plus, someones gotta tell these b****es that we don't take crap from just anyone.

"Oh, well are you guys okay with us leaving?" the first girl repeats. I look hard at the girls and notice the new girl standing next to them. She doesn't say anything, but I guess she is leaving too. Grow some balls and learn to speak your mind hun.

"Duh!" I snark and walk away. I sigh and take a seat, next to Kent, Sage's crush and future boyfriend if I can help it. I set down my binder and turn to speak to him.

"Is that for me?" Sage stands in front of me and intterupts my moment.

"Um," I stutter. "Of course hun!" I pick up my binder and sit in the seat in front of her, so we can pass notes like usual.

"Watch this," she says and winks at me. She turns to Kent and starts speaking to him. "Hey Kent! Oh my gosh is that a new watch? It looks so great on your arm!"

So far she's doing great, hopefully her babbling won't ruin her flirting game this time.

"Omigosh! Your arm is so great, you could like, be an arm model!"
I smack my head and sigh. She always seems to mess it up. I wish I could tell her when to stop. I look at her and try to salvage this mess.

"Kent, you know who is a model? Sage. Her red hair can't keep the cameras away. Maybe she could get you a gig," I say, saving the day once again with my famous lies. I smile and let the two chat. Yet, I frown to myself, wondering when she will get a clue.

After a few minutes, it's a miracle she could last that long, Sage turns to me. "Thanks Anes. You really are a life saver with these kind of things."

"Oh, I know!" I smirk.

Alexa walks in and sits behind Sage, but not without a hello to both of us. "Did you guys hear the news?" she beams.

"No, what?" Sage says.
"Matthew is supposed to ask me out tonight!" Her whole face shows her happiness. Tyson has been her crush since 6th grade, and Alexa has never had a date or a guy ask her out.

"At the game?" I ask.
"Yup," she blushes. Oh boy, I better make this rumor happen, or she'll be crushed. Who even told her that? I'm supposed to make my best friend's dreams come true, not some gossip freak.
"And who told you this hun?" I say, trying to hide my anger.
"Just some girls I saw when I was walking in," she shrinks in her seat, remembering how I lectured them on credibility of drama fiends.

I tap on my desk, waiting for a better answer.
"Amelia and Lissie,"she whispers and hides her face from the fury in my eyes.
"Well, then we know that's true," I scoff.
She tears up. "Oh Alex," my speech softens. "I didn't mean anything by it, just know that it might not happen," I say it and feel sorry for her. B****es like Amelia shouldn't exist. And they shouldn't tell stupid rumors like that.

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