Chapter Two: Steven

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When I felt a soft pressure on my shoulder, I looked down to see Taylor asleep. It made me smile before I gently pulled his blanket up closer around his body after moving my arm so it was wrapped around him. As his head fell onto my chest, I swallowed hard and tried to slow my heart down. Whenever he was around me I always felt so flustered and felt like a teenager, not a thirty three year old man.

I'll never forget the first moment I laid eyes on him in the ER, when Dante's stitches had become infected and Taylor brought him in. Of course my attention had been on Dante, but I couldn't stop looking at Taylor. He was exquisite and one of the sweetest people I've ever met. He's the kind of person that you wait an entire lifetime to meet.

His fingers were suddenly tightening onto my sweater, a shaky breath coming out of my mouth. While I would have loved to cuddle with him, I wanted him to actually know we were cuddling. In one quick movement I carefully lifted him into my arms and walked towards his bedroom. After gently placing him under his blankets, I smiled down at him before walking back into the living room. I made sure to turn the TV off before finding a piece of paper and writing him a quick note. After leaving it on his bedside table I left his apartment, making sure the door was locked behind me.

I was instantly drawn to the big snowflakes falling down and landing onto my coat. Winter was one of my favorite seasons; everything about it was truly magic. I gave Taylor's building one final look before getting into my car and waiting for a few minutes for it to warm up.

Once it was finally warm I made the short drive back to my apartment building and all but fell onto my bed when I was inside. Even though it had been a long day, I wanted to end it by seeing Taylor. He made my bad days better and helped to lift my spirits up. Ever since Dante had went to Florida to find Kate we had gotten a lot closer.

I wanted to get even closer to him but was worried, especially after he told me about Kenny. I wish that he hadn't been hurt so bad by someone he loved. I wish I could take that hurt and pain away for him. However even though I'd like to get a lot closer with him, it seems that he'd run away if I were to ask him out. I'd have to take my time and make sure he trusted me, because he was too great of a person to let get away.

With one final yawn I pulled more blankets up over my body as my eyes finally shut. With Taylor's green eyes in my mind, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


I ran down the hallway and into an ER room to see multiple paramedics bring a young boy in. My heart sunk when I saw a large metal spike sticking out of his shoulder.

"Nick, aged ten. Was riding his bike and his brakes gave out; he crashed into a chain linked fence."

"How did it impale him like that?"

"His brother said the fence was not very stable, and he flipped over it when he ran into it."

I gave the paramedic a nod when he told me all his vital signs before leaving the room. The nurses around me quickly started setting things up as I walked closer to his scared face.

"Nick, I'm Doctor Greene and I'm going to take care of you okay?" He nodded as he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"It really hurts, my foot too."

My eyebrows rose as I looked down at his bare foot that was turning a strange blue color. "What happened there?"

His breathing was getting heavier as he said, "I smacked it onto the ground."

"Okay, it's okay Nick. We're going to take care of you."

It was emergencies like this that made me proud to work with such excellent people in this department. Everyone on this team was very highly skilled and well qualified. It took most of the afternoon but we were able to remove the spike from his shoulder. Further examination of his foot showed many nails were imbedded into a vein. Nick was brought in at the perfect time, and he would make a full recovery.

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