"because.. we may or may not have thought that you won't approve of it?"

ah. okay. You know what? I should get my mind off this! [Y/N] is mine now, I should be happy about that instead!

"you know what? it's ok I don't care but I'm so happy right now you know?"

I said and she giggled

"why's that?"

she stated, I booped her nose and said

"well, the best person in the world belongs to me now?"

I said and smiled at her

"wrong! I have that person!"

i see what you're doing

"hmm you're right, i AM the best aren't I?"

she slapped my shoulder and we laughed

"wow, that ability, how do you become that full of yourself?"

"you know, that phrase "full of yourself" has kind of a double meaning"

I winked and it took her a second to get

"get your mind out of the gutter!"

we laughed it off then just sat there, staring into each other's eyes. Comfortable silence hugging us, it was wonderful.

I decided to break the silence since I'm a talkative piece of shit

(mood ^)

"I have another question"

I ask


"so our relationship, do you want it... private? or nah? I'm totally fine with any of those I just figured asking you"

I said and waited for her response

"well, if I want to brag about having the best person in the world why would it be private?"

We smile at each other as I give her another quick kiss on her soft lips. She's so beautiful, and smart and mine. Jesus what did I do to get this person?

Your POV

What did I do to find someone like this man in front of me?

I can't explain the happiness I feel. I'm such a hypocrite wtf, I said I'm scared of rejection. Well, ugh sigh I gave Jared an answer. Hmm I wonder how long he's liked ME?

"wait, so how long have YOU liked ME?"

I ask, he thinks for a second

"oh you know, couple o' years but I was always too scared because I really thought you like Evan"

I giggle at this and as if on cue, Evan and Connor emerge from the forest, hand in hand. Both Jared and I look at them smirking, Evan was blushing like crazy while Connor looked very proud of himself.

~ Back at Jared's house, w/Connor ~

We were all in the living room, Jared holding my hand next to me and Connor's arm is wrapped around Evan.

"So, what y'all wanna do?"

Jared says to start up a conversation

"wait, you won't stop being my friend?"

Evan asked, while of course stuttering and Jared laughed

"acorn, I won't stop being friends with you just because you're gay"

Evan smiles, the smile that shows how happy he is being accepted. It's precious

"Well, wanna play truth or dare?"

I suggest since there was more of us now

Everyone said yes as we all formed a circle on the floor.

"Ok I'm gonna spin the bottle"

I spun the bottle and it pointed at...


Evan, Jared and I were thinking. Then, Jared had a menacing smile. Oh no

"I want you to take of your hoodie and make Evan wear it"

He says smirking and Connor's cheeks became tinted pink while Evan was crimson red. But he didn't want to pass so he did what Jared said. He's now only wearing a white shirt while Evan is discretely sniffing Connor's hoodie. I catch him and smirk at him, he turns more inhumanely red.

"You can spin the bottle Connor"

And so he does and the bottle points at


"wait that's unfair, can I spin it again?"

He says and we all nodded, he spun it again and the bottle points at...


Wait oh shit, ME!

ugh Jared is smirking.


I say because I don't want to do whatever Jared has in mind.

"what would you do if Kleinman were to hurt you?"

Connor asks


Sorry i like cliffhangers, lmao haha anyways next week is my birthday, yey. 27th of January so yeah. Peace boios

~Lai 💋

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