Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

        The day of the dinner theater came and everyone was getting ready in their rooms. Ava was going to the market to try to sell some goods to the villagers; she doesn’t go to that side of town a lot so she was hoping that someone will recognize her. Nobody in this part of the state wants to buy food products from someone they don’t know, Mother told her earlier.  

        Alastair was disappointed that she had to say no to the invite but he soon got over it. He thinks that Ava is too shy to be in a room with that many people she don’t know and that’s why she ‘offered’ to go to the market. After they left towards the castle, Ava ran into my room to talk to her tabby.

“If you want to go, I can come up with something surely,” the tabby said just waking up from a nap on top of Ava’s unmade bed; he left tiny orange hairs covering the bed sheet and comforter.

“Yes, please! Please, Tabby, please I need this one night to myself, one night away from the life I am living.” She was desperate for the tabby to help her, this would be her one chance to get out of the house and be almost normal.

“Alright my dear, hold on.” He crawled under her noisy bed and when he returned he was pushing a wooden box with his head. Ava was baffled to say to the least. “This, my dear, is the answers to all your problems. Open it and find out what’s inside.” Ava opened the box carefully; inside the box was a ball. Inside the ball it looked as if clouds were trapped inside of it.

“How do I work it?” Ava asked picking up the cloudy ball gingerly. The tabby told her to think of what she wants most as one hand strokes the top of the ball. Ava smiled down at her furry feline.

“Thank you, Tabby, thank you so much for this; I shall be home soon and you’ll have your ball back.” Ava held her hand over the sphere, thinking of the one desire she had for tonight. Ava was then transported to the castle’s gates. She was wearing a beautiful green gown, her usual tangled hair was curled to perfection and pinned back, and she had on a very comfortable pair of shoes, similar to the ones her Mother was wearing when she left this morning. Ava was breathless, she felt beautiful.

When Ava entered the palace, the play was already started as nightfall was approaching. She sat down at a lonely table as a waitress came and put a plate of delicious looking food in front of her. Ava watched the play memorized by the talented actors.

She tried to picture what her life would be like if she too was an actress, practicing and performing plays and musicals she put time in. She pictured getting a round of applauds at the end of a performance no matter how big or small; flowers being thrown onto stage below her.

Ava liked to pretend she had different lives than the one she grew up with.

She dragged a spoon through the white creamy soup that was just delivered and placed in front of her. She never had something that tasted so rich before, she wanted to savour every bite of the delicious meal. Taking a bun from a basket in front of her she tore it in half and dipped it in her soup. She moaned at the delightful taste of the fresh bread. 

This was like something she would dreams and tonight, Ava was living it.

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