Then he gets on his knees and she joins him wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his head closer to her own she says

Fallen: Now today not only am I now your wife but now I can finally give you all of me and I get to experience all of you.

Tears coming from both faces they kissed

Preacher: Hey I didn't tell you all you kiss yet

Placing the ring on her finger he realizes the ring is a little bigger than her expected it to be, but she doesn't care because it's her dream ring and she puts the ring on his finger engraved in it was "I will always be your forever" and his face lights up

Preacher: I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your bride

And Eden grabs Fallen and passionately kisses her this kiss was different than before and now they're bond now better than ever, and they are official!!

Then Eden comes to and he grasp for air and he began to look for the ring saw in his vision for his self, but he couldn't find

Fallen on the other hand is not trying to focus on what's coming up so she has been burying herself in her work and in her free time in between church she spends time with Bennet until she a piece of mail she wasn't expecting at all. a yellow envelope came in and she confused wonders what is in it so when she opens it, she realizes these are the photos she had been waiting on she March when Eden gave her the camera so wasn't too quick to open it and she had a flash back to the first time she seen the camera

[Fallen Flashback]

While cozied up Eden looks at Fallen the whole time, they are watching a movies

Fallen: You know I can feel you looking at me

Eden: Okay sorry a little creepy huh

Fallen: Well it's you so I used to it

Eden laughs then he gets up

Fallen: hey I need my warmth where you going

Eden: Woman I will be back ... just keep my side warm please

So while he is gone she is thinking about how far they came all they been through and how they are finally where she always wanted to be with him she always imagined stuff like this with him but never thought it would ever get here and that they are actually a couple and the she picks up her phone and reads a note she wrote to him years back which say "Dear Eden I know you will never see this letter but if you did it's because I gave it to you which would probably never happen.. but the point of this letter is to express to you how I really feel about and to say the things to you I can never get out in person because I hold back a lot do to the fact that I don't want to say anything that could hurt you ... so here goes nothing. at the age of 16 I realized that I liked you and that I liked you a lot and wanted something to happen between us then nut then again I think it was best it didn't because of the head space I was in but anyways I thought I was over you thought it was a just some little crush that I would get over but I not because years later I realized I still like you I came to terms with the fact that I like you but thinking you didn't feel the same and of course hearing things about you didn't help either so once again I kept it to myself and held it in but the sad part was through all of those years I talked to other people I couldn't stop thinking about you I even had fantasies of what it would be like if we actually got together and I don't do that with a lot of people because I put them in a time schedule because in my mind I know that it's not gone last long and its gone be something to turn me off but with you it's different it's like no matter how I feel of like I should want to leave you alone I end up getting closer to you and I don't like that because that means you touched my heart and my mind and I usually don't let people get to me like that . now I have to be completely honest right now" and then she sees a flash and it scares her

A Christmas to RememberWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt