You nodded and put your mudtrooper helmet on. Kylo had insisted on one that filtered out the gases from the volcanoes, he didn't like seeing you in it but it was the best option you had. Ap'lek and you started heading off together.
Your mission was simple. Find a spot from where you had a clear view at Kylo's destination. Wait for him to arrive and shoot the flag he was going to bring. Then you had to get back to the Night buzzard, using a speeder without him finding you. Simple in theory but you did not know how well it would work out in practice.

You made your way through the jungles and up a hill. Strategically this was one of the better locations. The only problem was the location where you'd be hiding, it was not directly out in the open but to the next jungle and the location of the speeders you did have to cross a few open areas. Kylo had promised that he'd only be looking for you with his force sense, not his actual eyes. Odd for you, you did not understand how that should work whatsoever. Then again, you weren't Force Sensitive, of course you would have a hard time understanding it.

"He's leaving now.", Ap'lek informed you and you stopped, closing your eyes. You created a sort of bubble around you, cutting Ap'lek off from the Force almost completely. He had to support himself on a tree before you could continue your way.

You took position just in time, Kylo arrived only a mere five minutes later. It was a bit too small of a time window in your opinion, but you had not anticipated that Ap'lek would slow you down as much as he had.

It was a strange feeling to be pointing your rifle at the Supreme Leader. Your mother would be proud. He put the flag down into the ground and ignited his saber. Alright. It was time.
Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself for the shot, Ap'lek next to you winced slightly. Another problem you did not anticipate. Somehow you had to eliminate your presence and his...not just cut him off. Cutting him off would be easy...this however was everything but.

It took you a good ten minutes until he was down to a satisfying size. From how he was should not keep it up for too long. Alright. Time to take your shot, you had one go. Any more would heavily risk Kylo catching up to you before you managed to reach the speeders.

You pulled back the trigger just enough that a tiny bit more strength would let you shoot. Opening your mouth you exhaled slowly, decreasing your heart rate so the pumping in your arteries would not meddle with your accuracy. You shot. The flag burned.

"Yes.", you said quietly. Kylo had not sensed your shot. He might have heard where it was coming from though, after all the silencer on top of your muzzle did not filter out every bit of sound, "We have to leave.", you whispered and Ap'lek nodded.

"Over the ridge."

You quietly folded your rifle together so it would not be a bother and made your way to the speeders' location. Ap'lek was seriously slowing you down and keeping him in the Force bubble you created was not easy. You could not leave his side and with every minute you took longer it got harder for you to keep his connection so heavily limited. For once you were glad for the heat of the planet, it did not allow you to cool down as much as you would have normally.

Ap'lek stumbled and fell down, rolling down the hill a few meters. You could feel the grip you had on him loosen and his presence within the Force rising.

A blaster hit the ground next to you. Kylo had found you. He had found you, not because you had not kept Ap'lek in the bubble, but no...because he had to fall. You removed your helmet and threw it in the black sand in anger, kicking it down the hill.

Ap'lek was slowly getting up, from how he was shaking he did not feel well at all. You let yourself fall backwards into fine sand and scoffed. What now? You felt useless. Your new purpose within the First Order had been to be a weapon. A good one. A deadly one. A unique one. In the beginning you had resented what it would mean for you, the changes and new challenges...but now? It was what you wanted. You wanted to be the secret weapon that would get the First Order its proper place in the galaxy. You wanted to help out. Explore your new purpose. Be useful. Actually useful. Not just fixing up injured stormtroopers useful. Or testing pharmaceuticals useful. You wanted to make a difference. THE difference.

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