I couldn't stop the sad smile that formed on my face. How could she be so amazing when I have done nothing, but be so terrible to her?

"What are you making, Sarah?" She asked, pulling open the lid of the pot just as Sarah went over and smacked her hand slightly. Anastasia quickly dropped the lid right back over the pan and looked at Sarah with a 'it's not that serious' look.

"You'll see when it's ready," she told her, rolling her eyes. Anastasia walked over to the refrigerator before pulling it open and grabbing a bottle of water.

With Sarah's back turned over to cook the food, Anastasia was mouthing words and making ugly faces as an imitation of Sarah. I chuckled softly before shaking my head back and forth.

The second Sarah turned back around, she stopped her actions and looked elsewhere all innocently as if she were doing something else.

"How very mature of you, Anastasia," Sarah spoke. This caused me to laugh so hard. The face Anastasia made at getting caught only made it funnier.

I hopped down off the counter, feeling guiltiness wash over me again. It was a well deserved amount of guiltiness. It only made me feel worse to hear that she viewed everything that I did as okay. It wasn't okay, it was wrong.

"Hey, Bella, what has you so upset?" Anastasia asked. I grabbed ahold of her hand and walked her into the living room so we could get a bit more privacy. Concern was truly written all over he features as she gazed into my eyes.

"Anastasia, I could've made you lose everything. All because of a stupid dance that didn't do anything, but cause unnecessary damage. It's not okay at all, and I'm so sorry," I told her.

"This is what has you so down? I said it's okay, Bella. I really do mean it, so stop being sad," she laughed out. It was supposed to make me feel better, but I didn't-at all.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked, pulling my eyebrows in together as confusion was the only emotion that displayed itself onto my face.

"We waste so much time being angry with others and ourselves. Everyone is here to change the world, I don't want to spend my life changing it in a negative way. I'm still here, aren't I? I'm still breathing and I still have money in my pocket, why be upset over something that has already happened? When I got up there on that stage, it was by choice. You didn't put a gun to my head and force me. Also, I'm older than you and I know more about this place and this business than you do. I'm you didn't predict the actual damage that could've been done. There's more I could've done as well. Let it go, Bella, because not only are you wasting your time with anger, you're wasting it with guilt and sadness. It's okay," she explained to me before giving me a small smile.

I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her. My eyes were brimming with tears as her words had me digging deeper into my thoughts.

"I don't deserve you," I told her.

"Oh, shush," she gushed. I pulled away leaving her to see the tears threatening to come out as it blurred my orbs.

"I miss my old life sometimes. I miss going to school and cheer practice. I miss walking home from school, and waiting for my dad to get home from work. I miss watching movies with him, and joking with him as he tried his best to be my mother father," I cried out. Her face fell as she walked me toward the couch.

"I know how that feels, Bella. Most of us do around here. It gets easier, I promise," she told me soothingly.

"I'm sorry for the random venting," I chuckled out. She smiled at me before shaking her head in disagreement.

"I've done this to you plenty of times, plus it's good to finally let it all out," she said.

Vincenzo walked in, his eyes settling on me and the tears in my eyes. Anastasia, let me go and sent me a smile full of 'good luck' before walking away and back into the kitchen.

The second she was gone, he sat down beside me where Anastasia had been and pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my arm around him and nestled my head into the crook of his neck as he gently massaged my lower back.

"What's wrong, tesoro?" He asked, his voice deep and the feeling sent vibrations throughout my body as I laid against him. My eyes closed momentarily, just enjoying this moment. The smell of him and his rock hard body underneath me. It felt exactly how I've always wanted it to be.

"I was just thinking about how much I miss everything that I no longer have. Crazy how that works, right?" I chuckled before another tear fell from my eye leaving me to have the sniffles. His hand stopped for a second before resuming.

"I can understand that, Bella," he tells me. I wanted to lay here forever. He honestly didn't have to say a word in order for me to feel better, all I wanted was for him to be there.

"I've been acting reckless. I just want you to know that I'm not unhappy. The thing is, my maturity may not always match up to yours, and there are going to be days when I do dumb stuff that you, nor I, would ever be able to understand why. I'm going to be stubborn and nosy and selfish, but please just don't give up on me," I said, my voice cracking as more tears threatened to come out.

"Orabella, you have to give yourself more credit. I don't know why you look so down on yourself all the time. You may be stubborn, but you're also determined. You want to help and you care so much, at first I found it obnoxious, but now I don't view as a weakness. I'm not giving up on you, baby. Just don't give up on me," he told me. His words gave me a warmth feeling and it spread throughout my entire body.

"Never," I whispered, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips before hiding my face back into the crook of his neck.

"Food is ready," Anastasia said, walking in with a proud smile on her face before walking right back into the kitchen.

- • -

I know you guys must hate me. It's been two days without an update. I've been busy with catching up on schoolwork plus game days, but don't worry-I have not forgotten about you guys.

What are your thoughts on this whole situation? There was a lot of forgiveness in this chapter? What do you think of Anastasia? Sarah? Orabella? Vincenzo? Please inform me because I love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I'll see you beautiful babes next update.

What's one trait you look for in a person [ can be friend wise or relationship wise ]-& why?



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