"I…don't know what to say…Thank you" he was moved and he tightened his grip on the gift he was holding.

"Uhmm, Sasuke? I think I will go get something to eat at the buffet, meet you there all right?" Sakura said sweetly, smiling at her boyfriend, that simply nodded, leaning down for a small kiss.

Shisui would have a blast once this was over, Itachi was sure of it, as he studied Shisui's lips quirk in a mocking smile.

"Your mother is nowhere in sight is she?" she asked, looking around before leaving.

"No, I think she's with her friend, don't worry"

The girl nodded, smoothing her pale peach floor length dress, before leaving the three on their own.

"by the way dear cousin, I saw your mother introducing Hana to every single member of the family, I think Madara was next in line, hate to break it to you, but she didn't look too happy, I think I heard her saying something in the lines of 'killing the damn idiot'"

Shisui paled, and Itachi couldn't hold in an amused snicker.

"Really, you pin over her for years, and once you get her you abandon her with your mother, I would kill you too" Itachi mused, trying not to laugh at his cousin's strained expression.

"Shit, she will kill me for real"

"Hn, that is, if she is still willing to talk to you" Sasuke added, but he was having more trouble in hiding his laughter.

As soon as Shisui the brothers let out a laugh.

"Poor Shisui, he will get an earfull" Itachi said through small fits of giggles as his laugh died down.

"Nah, she was actually talking to Rin, but damn, it was funny to see, he's already so whipped"

Sasuke snickered, he's intentions of having five seconds alone with his brother had succeeded, Shisui was just too gullible, especially now that he had won the Inuzuka over, and was scared shitless of losing her. He would take advantage of it as long as he could.

Itachi shook his head "You're cruel"

"Payback was long due"

"So, I understand you introduced Sakura to our old folks"

The long haired man said, giving his brother an amused glance, now, that was something he had wanted to see.

"Yeah…it wasn't so terrible until… well, mother just had to ask her if her hair was naturally pink, can you imagine mother asking that to someone?"

Itachi blinked at that, no he couldn't imagine his always polite mother asking something like that to Sakura. She had raised them insisting that you should never make uncomfortable questions, so he was a little perplexed.

"Maybe she was a little curious? It's not a really common hair color after all"

Maybe Sasuke was right and age was catching up with them, or maybe they had already been a little crazy and they hadn't noticed, craziness was an added bonus of the Uchiha genes.

"What's worse, after that Fugaku just calmly stated that he wouldn't mind having pink haired grandchildren, Itachi, I swear, our parents are going batty"

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