"Hn, you deserve it"

"Yeah...but enough talking about business"

The long haired gave him a confused look.

"What else would you want to talk about?"

Shisui smirked, dark eyes shining.

There is something we could talk about"

He pierced the other with his slightly lighter black orbs, as if trying to read into his very soul. Itachi didn't like that look, it was bad news when Shisui got like that.

"Where did you disappear to last night? And, I won't accept a 'Mind your own business' type of answer"

Yeah, he had totally called it. Bad news.

He had practically locked himself in his room to avoid the questions he knew where coming from him and his brother lasnight.

He was really considering going into hiding, or throwing his menu at his best friend and flee from the restaurant and then still go into hiding. He really didn't have much options, Shisui was a curious bastard, worse than any gossip girl, there was no safe way to escape him.

"I might have walked home a certain person..." he trailed hoping Shisui wouldn't understand, it wasn't his lucky day, plus, it was obvious who the other person was.

"You walked Naruko home?" his cousin inquired narrowing his eyes as he looked at him.

He didn't answer, but the short brown haired man didn't need him to. He already knew that he was correct. After all, Sasuke's bad manners of eavesdropping did come in handy.

"Don't make that face with me, I know you did, we heard you asking her"

"Than why did you want to hear it me from me? Idiot" he groaned, thank God the waiter was coming by to take their orders, or he might've strangled the older male without remorse.

As soon as they were left alone again, the younger man sent an irritated look at the other.

"What? Why are you staring at me like an idiot?"

"You like her, don't you?" he had a knowing look on his face, that Itachi couldn't handle. Shisui was a master in making him waver.

It worked perfectly. Itachi's glare was nothing compared to Shisui's. He was such a kind looking person, but when he used 'the glare' no one was safe. He was the best in making someone feel guilty with just one look, and he didn't even feel bad for it, and would use whenever the situation required it.

"Just admit it, she has caught your interest"

"You're really a nosy bastard" He wouldn't give in that easily, he had gone through worse.

"Well?" he sang with an amused tone that was really grating at Itachi's abused nerves.

"I might feel attracted to her, but that's it" he finally admitted, hoping that know they could let the argument go. He sighed as Shisui beamed in triumph, and he understood that it wasn't happening.

"Ah ha! I knew it!"

"Did you make a bet with Sasuke or something?" now it was his turn to use the glare, even if it was rather pointless against him.

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