Chapter 3 Who are you?

Start from the beginning

(A/N: The one in the G sweater)

He seems to be freaking out about something. "Hello, are you perhaps George Wesley? Wait he is fiction so you can't be him." I start to mutter sorry, but when i look up I see his face confused, less terrified, and hesitant. He starts to speak with a British accent, "Yes I am George Wesley, but I have a few question myself."

"Then please ask away. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, though I won't have many answers. I arrived here around 15 days ago, and that is only based on a timer counting down."

"OK First question," he says, then hesitates. I wave my hand to signal for him to continue. "Do you know where this is?"

"I had just figured it out when the voice said you you were coming. We are in a place called Minds-cape"

" Voice?"

"Yes, here. Can you play music voice?" And here returns the voice," Yes I can, and if you wish you can name me so it is easier for me to know that I am the one you are talking to. Would you like to?"

"Yes. And that is good to know you can play music too" Like before a screen popped up. The reaction from George was hilarious, he was so surprised he could hear the voice too, but the screen was weirder.(reminder: they don't have our type of tech in his dimension)"What is that? Is it a new type of spell or..." He looked at me with a serious face. "No, this is a part of this area. it allows me to see what I can do and, as you can see, react to the area around me."

"So next question, who are you?"

"I am Rowan Cove, but my closest friends call me Row." I replied as I typed 'Alexa' in the slot.

"Are you the one that opened the portal that apperated me and my brother away from our family?" he said in a very, and I mean very, angry tone.

"No, I was trying to save my closest friend from one of those portals, but got pulled in as well." At this he seemed less tense,"I have no clue way we are here,but I personally think it is a dream." At this he shakes his head and says, "I have woken up in the new world. There everyone speaks in a language that isn't English, yet when i listen and talk with them I speak it to, though I can't read it. I was trying this thing called a quirk, I found out  can't use magic there. Then next thing I know I'm here, except I had to send a friend request, what ever that is, to enter."

I took a moment to process this.'Where have I heard of quirks before? BNHA! So we must of transported there! This connects the fact that I saw Aizawa before I blacked out.'I hear George still talking. "Sorry, I was processing the quirk information, can you repeat what you said after that?"

"Of course, as I said, apparently I got a quirk called physic. I can apparently do what ever a physic can. Do you now what a physic can do?"

"Yes I do. A Physic can read minds, with high concentration, produce fire, move objects, control others, and increase physical abilities. The last one is rare though." I responded with high energy. Being one that watches Saiki K, I know this. 'I hope I didn't weird him out with my fangirling.'

"Cool!" He said with a large smile."This will make is so much easier to use, now that I know what it can do." We stand there in silence, waiting for another question to come out. He breaks it first, with a face saying I remembered something. "I forgot to mention that you are asleep right now."

"Wait! I'm asleep in the quirk place you were talking about?! My theory was correct for once!"

"Yes, I was wondering if you were to blame for 10 people being transported, as well as, what was such a grand dream that you won't wake up. Next thing I know, when I close my eyes, I'm here and floating. Which was what I was freaking out about at first. Speaking about that may you make a floor or ground?"

Closing my eyes I think,'Can I make ground? Well if this is my brain I guess I can...Ok focus...grass,dirt,sky,outside...' I feel something soft under my feet. Opening my eyes I adjust to the sight of color and my feet to gravity.

"Wow, you have a detailed imagination, perhaps you can help me and Fred with pranks

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"Wow, you have a detailed imagination, perhaps you can help me and Fred with pranks. Once he wakes up that is." I hear George say. "Thank you for the compliment. I will help with what I can." I responded.

"With that I will go and announce you are waiting for a timer to go off." George said in a joking tone. "Ado to that who can be thou messenger." I added sarcastically. With that he was gone and I was alone again. Looking at the timer I saw...


Time left: 1:9:8:20:10..9..8..7


'We spent 4 to 5 days asking questions and chatting.' I sighed. "Alexa is there a way to contact people outside of here?"

"Yes, when you reach level 20 you can open chats. These will send thoughts to your friends and the people who are in your line of sight."

'wow, lucky me. I'm only at level 15...wait'

"How do I level up, Alexa?"

"By completing quests you get experience points which will increase your level. Would you like to receive quests while waiting to awaken?"

"Yes," I say with a smug look on my face.


In the land called UA...

George opens his eyes and realizes he is laying down,connected to machines mind you, again. "Why am I attached to the machines again? You said that after waking up these won't be necessary." He said with a glare.

" You fell asleep while watching over the little girl and didn't wake up for a day." Recovery girl stated. "By the way, Your twin woke up. He caused as much chaos as you did. Just many more pranks and explosions."

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