"Oh shit. Incoming." Stiles warned and I quickly shifted from Aiello's grip before Pearson could see. He stumbled over and glared at Aiello briefly.
"Aiello, get back on that MG." He ordered and Aiello complied, "Yes, Sergeant."
I mentally rolled my eyes at Pearson. I still couldn't forget about how much of a dick he was to me the other night. He's completely lost it. And because of that, we definitely won't make it home... And if we do, it will be in a casket.

"Sergeant, any extra costs or blankets?" Daniels questioned, shivering between his words. But Pierson didn't show any mercy. "You look just fine to me." He simply answered, a frown on his face.
"East dugout got hit all night. Grab an a ammo box, you're gonna re-supply 'em." Pierson ordered and Daniels sat up to move. "I take that ammo, Aiello's gonna run dry." He said, but once again, Pierson showed no mercy. The shitty Sergeant looked over at Aiello and glared at him harshly.
"Well then I guess you better make every goddamn shot count." Pierson sneered and Aiello shook his head slightly and gave a small smile in Daniels' direction.
Daniels grabbed the ammo and began walking to the men at the dugout.

Pierson's harsh gaze shifted to me and the sniper in my hands. "Over there, Princess." His snarky comment made my blood boil. I got up and moved to the place he was pointing at. "Fuckin' prick." I grumbled lowly under my breath. I got behind the wooden fencing and propped up my sniper rifle.


"Corporal. Green. Have I got a treat for you." Aiello smirked as he tossed his cigarette on the ground before leading us inside a tent. Daniels and I exchanged a look and followed him.

Pierson and an African American were inside. Aiello smugly looked at us before pointing at the stranger. "This is Howard."
Howard stood from the radio and walked over to greet us. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." He said as he held his hand out.
Daniels' eyes widened slightly but shook his hand. "Sorry, I didn't expect-"
Howard cut him off, "To work along such a fine engineer?" he smiled.
Howard then looked over at me and smiled, "A lady on the team. Never seen anything like it." He held his hand out for me and I grinned at him. "Green. Nice to meet you." I politely told him.

Aiello turned to me with a shocked expression but then shook it off and glanced back over at Howard.
"Howard was part of the company that took the ridge." He explained and then smirked at the African American, "Can't believe they let 'em fight." My eyes widened and I smacked Aiello's shoulder at his remark.
"Oh yeah. They even let us die." Howard shot back whilst staring at him, I could feel the tension.

Howard moved over to the papers on the table. "Now, when this convoy rolls through, Krauts are gonna unleash hell." He told us.
"I thought we had reserves coming." Daniels stated from next to me. Pierson looked up from his clipboard and glared at him for a second. "We are the reserves." He sneered.
Daniels shook his head, "Sergeant, we should call in air support." He insisted but Pierson just scoffed in return.
"Look at that. Daniels here just remembered he was a corporal." The sarcasm in his sentence just made me want to tell him to shut up.

"Radio's working now!" Howard jumps in.
Pierson's cold gaze shifted from Daniels to Howard. "Yeah, I wouldn't count on any help. Our flyboys got their hands full." With that, he tosses his clipboard on the table and moves away from us, giving us a death stare in the process.

Daniels, Aiello and I headed out and I let out a sigh. I hate Pierson's attitude with a passion. It's like he wants everyone to die.

"Convoy's here and they have supplies! Grab what you can!" Stiles told everybody. I began walking over to the convoy.
"Now we just need to make sure these guys get to the Rhine." Daniels told us.
"Yeah, if there's any bridges left." Zussman added, making me nod in agreement. "Hopefully there is." I muttered quietly whilst checking the ammo in my weapons.
"There's that holiday spirit." Stiles said to Zussman and I.

Behind The Lines *WW2 Fan-fiction*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang