Chapter 2

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"Rise and shine!" I heard Turner shout in the halls. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and stretched for a few minutes, then got up and dressed myself quickly before washing. I was ready for today.

I grabbed my helmet and my two guns before leaving my dorm and making my way to the cafeteria, where everyone else was.

I didn't exactly feel like eating so I was about to walk away but someone called my name. "Green!" I turned on my heel, trying to find the guy.


He motioned me to go to him and I obeyed. He was sat with Daniels and two other guys. One with glasses and a camera, and one with a cigarette in his mouth. I sat with them all and they looked at me and smiled.

I returned the smile and pulled out a cigarette before lighting it. The other guy with the cigarette gave me a look of shock. "I'm Green." I introduced myself. The guy with the cigarette mused, "Aiello." He had a charming smile. The guy with the glasses looked up from his camera. "I'm Stiles. It's nice to meet ya."

"You new here?" Aiello asked me and I nodded at his question "yeah," I answered, blowing out some smoke, "kinda transferred."

"So, why did you decide to go come here?" Stiles questioned and I looked at him with a blank expression, "it wasn't really my choice. I wanted to stay, I had loads of best friends there. But the Commanding Officer told me that it would be better to join a higher division." I replied, memories of my best friends then started rushing to my head, but I quickly shook them away before I could get upset. Aiello put out his cigarette and then pulled out another. "I lost my best friends too..." I heard him mumble as he turned to me.

Just before he could say anything, Pierson piped up. "Time to prepare yourselves. It's going to be a long journey."


"You ready to head out?" Daniels asked me loudly over the gunshots. I nodded and followed him to the rest of our team. I crouched behind a huge rock and pulled the pin from a grenade before throwing it at the German's cover. Ear-piercing screams followed by an explosion filled my ears and I looked over to see a few bodies on the floor.

"We need to move! Now!" Turner yelled and proceeded to run ahead, followed by us all. Pierson ran beside me but I didn't look over at him, instead, I was getting to cover. I pulled out my Lee Enfield and looked into the scope. I saw a lone sniper on a balcony, and it looked like he was aiming his rifle at Turner. I quickly shot before he could and the bullet pierced his skull.

Zussman fired at some Germans with the FG42 he picked up whilst Daniels was shooting explosives inside buildings. We heard a few screams before it all went silent. "Approach slowly." Turner ordered and slowly crouched to the bunker. I followed with Zussman and Daniels while Aiello and Styles walked ahead.


"All clear!" Pierson called loudly and we headed out of the bunker. I picked up some ammo before leaving and rejoined with everyone. "We need to head to the next bunker." He added and walked ahead with Turner.

We darted to the area and saw lots of Germans surrounding the bunker. "Get to positions. And take no prisoners!" He exclaimed before moving forward, shooting his assault rifle. Pierson lead the way and we followed him further to the bunker. "We're gonna have to split up a little!" Pierson shouted, "but into groups." I instantly grabbed Daniels and Zussman and was about to move with them until Pierson's huge hand clutched my shoulder. "You can't go, Green!You're good with a sniper. We need you!" I looked at Daniels and Zussman before nodding to them, "go ahead!" They replied with a nod before running into a different direction.

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