Chapter 5

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"We have to move now!" Aiello shouted over the gunfire. I shot a few dead and ran out with him.
I reloaded quickly and spayed a full clip into a load of Nazis.
As we ran through the gunfire, I could see the others further ahead.
The next thing I saw was the building swarmed with Nazis blow up. I'm guessing it was the explosives Crowley and Rousseau planted. I tossed a grenade to the enemies behind us both and continued to run to Turner.

Zussman looked over at us both in relief. "Thank fuck you both are alright." I crouched behind the wall with him and sighed.
I glanced over the wall and found  Crowley and Rousseau sprinting over to us, killing Nazis on the way.

"It's not over yet!" Turner shouted, referring to the Nazis who were high up in buildings with MG42s. I propped myself up on the wall, setting my sniper down with me before taking one out. Once he was down, more bullets fired at me. I quickly hid behind the wall before I was shot.

"We have to move up!" Pierson ordered, running behind trucks to use as cover. The rest of us followed but I stopped dead in my tracks once I heard a blood-curdling scream. "Help me!" A French civilian yelled out in pain. "I can't move!" I sprinted over towards him and dragged him behind a truck. I looked down to see shrapnel piercing his thigh. He winced in pain every few seconds.
I looked him dead in the eye and whispered "I'm sorry." Before ripping both pieces out of his leg. He screamed out in agony. I quickly pulled out bandages and gauzes. "Stay with me, okay?" He nodded and groaned when I lifted up his clothing, cleaned it and applied alcohol. "Green! Get your ass up here!" I heard Pierson shout at me.
"I'm nearly done! Daniels cover me!" I shouted and watched Daniels run to my aid.
I wrapped the wounds up tightly and lifted his clothing back down. "Thank you so much." His French accent made me glance up at him. I nodded and grabbed my gun once again before running back to Pierson and the others.

"Did you save him?" Turner asked.
"Yes, sir." I replied and he patted my shoulder.

We cleared Paris out. Some Nazis retreated in the end. The French began to cheer and celebrate for the victory.
Fireworks in the sky caught my attention instantly. I watched as colours of red, white and blue burst into the sky.
"Vive la resistance!" I heard them shout.

I rallied on Turner with the others. "Outstanding work, boys... and girl. Outstanding." Turner praised.

"We did it!" Rousseau cheered and hugged Crowley.
"Looks like we might get that champagne and caviar after all." Pierson spoke, looking down at his weapon.
"Hey, Daniels. Still think there's a young gal looking for a handsome GI?" Zussman asked, making me giggle a little.
Daniels shook his head, smiling at him. "Sorry, buddy. That was just to boost your morale."
Zussman rolled his eyes, "Now he tells me!"

More fireworks were set off. Vivian stood beside me, "City of lights..." She said, looking up in awe. "Finally, something to celebrate, eh, Crowley?" She asked and he smiled, gazing at the beautiful colours in the sky.
Crowley glanced at me, a small smile on his face. "There's no turning back. France has reclaimed Paris." His thick English accent rolled nicely, causing me to grin a little.
Pierson walked up beside me, "This ain't exactly over yet. The war's not done." He glanced at the fireworks and Crowley turned to him. "Ah, come on, Pierson. Let them have this."
"Eh, that's what Turner's for."
Pierson's gaze was on me for a split second before he looked back up at the lights in the sky. I actually caught him crack a smile.

"Alright everyone! Let's go. Drinks are on me." Rousseau led the way to a huge bar. I watched everyone follow her, but my four friends stopped to look at me. "What are you waiting for? You deserve a drink." Aiello flashed a toothy grin.
"You go on without me. I'll be inside in a moment. I have to check if the guy is okay." They nodded and turned on their heels. I walked over to the man I saved, who was getting assistance to stand up by other soldiers.
The French guy looked at me with a grateful smile. "Thank you." I patted his back with a small smile. "Happy to help. You take care."
I watched the soldiers take him to a nearby CCP.

Behind The Lines *WW2 Fan-fiction*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя