Chapter 6

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"Green." Someone shook my arm lightly, causing me to groan slightly. I slowly opened my eyes to see Zussman in front of me. I rubbed my eyes, forgetting that I still had mascara on my eyelashes. "Shit..." I mumbled under my breath. I looked over at Zussman and smiled, "Morning, Zuss." He helped me up and ruffled my hair slightly. "Had fun last night?" He smirked as I washed the remaining makeup off my face. "It was a good night." I responded with a chuckle. "I just wished I had removed this makeup last night." I confessed.
Once the makeup was off, I looked in the mirror I carried around with me and scoffed at my reflection. "I have never felt uglier." I rolled my eyes and sighed. I shrugged it off and tied my hair up in a high ponytail.

I realised that it was only Zuss and I in the tent. "Wait, where are the others?" I asked him, clutching my helmet in my hand.
Zussman sighed heavily, "Well, Daniels and Stiles went to go find Aiello." My eyes widened and I nearly dropped my helmet.
"I-Is he okay?" I quickly questioned, as my heart raced.
Zussman nodded with a laugh. "Oh he's fine, he ran somewhere to throw up. That'll be the drink." He explained and I just sighed in relief as a response.

Seconds later, Daniels entered the tent and shook his head in disgust. "We found him." He told us, "His trail of vomit helped us find him." I scrunched my face, trying not to think about it.

Before we could say anything else, Stiles walked through with a rough-looking Aiello. Stiles patted his back and faced us, "I got him cleaned up and shit... He looks a lot better."
My eyes darted over to Aiello, "Are you alright?" I asked him with a concerned look on my face.
"I'm fine..." He answered, without even looking at me.

"Everyone get ready to head out!" Turner shouted to everyone. I quickly rushed to my weapons, preparing them before our next mission.


"Everyone on me! Let's go!" Turner commanded as he ran ahead, firing his BAR at the enemies. I aimed my SMG at the chests of the Germans, taking them out with a few shots before continuing to run. Bullets were flying in my direction, causing me to jump over the sandbags as a use of protection. I peeked my head and noticed that the Germans were using MGs to fire at us. I switched to my Lee Enfield, focusing the scope on one of the heads. I took a sharp breath and pulled the trigger. I quickly tossed a grenade in the direction of the MGs, watching the Nazis blow up a few seconds later.

"Panzerschrecks!" Turner yelled as they began to fire the explosives at us. "Someone take them out!" Pierson ordered, his eyes darted to me. I sprinted over to Pierson and Turner, crouching behind barrels so that I was protected from bullets. I raised my sniper, looking at the targets through my scope. "Green, what the hell are you waiting for?! Take the shot!" Pierson shouted impatiently.
Once again, I aimed at the head of a Nazi, who was just about to fire at us. Before he could, I shot him dead. "Three more to go!" Turner exclaimed, as I focused on another German. "I see him..." I muttered under my breath. I shot him straight in the chest, knocking him down in an instant.

I moved further up so that I could get a better shot. "For fuck's sake, Green! Hurry it up!" Pierson yelled at me again. I ignored his impatience as best as I could. Hiding behind more barrels, I focused on the third Panzerschreck. I quickly pulled the trigger and watched him die instantly. "One more..." I said quietly to myself, slowly realising I couldn't see him anywhere. I pulled away from my rifle, looking around sharply. Just as I was about to face Turner, I noticed that the Panzerschreck was retreating. I quickly shot him dead and sighed in relief. "That's the last of them, sir." I informed Turner, as we began to move up.

"Almost done. We just need to secure the area." Turner stated as we approached the huge building, which was swarmed with Nazis in and out. "Daniels, take out the guard." Pierson ordered, motioning to the Nazi who was stood a few feet away from us, with his back facing us. Daniels walked up behind him, quietly and made sure no one else was watching. Daniels quickly put his hand over the Nazi's mouth before stabbing him. I took out my suppressed pistol and looked around. "I can see a few more." I pointed out.
Turner nodded and moved up closer to get a better look. One of the Germans was close to us. Daniels creeped around him and quickly killed him. He hurried back to us, crouching down so that he wasn't noticed.

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