Jupiter Jim Ahoy

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The screen changes to Lou Jitsu running down the street.

He stops in his tracks as the main villain laughs menacingly.

"Lou Jistu, you are finished!" The villain tells the hero as his minions surround him. "For we are fifty, and you are just one!"

"Ah, that's what you think," Lou Jitsu smirks. "For Master Greenberg, before he was eaten by a horse, taught me...the 50 Man Punch!"

The villain and his minions gasp.

Lou Jitsu charges at the villains, ready to throw a punch. "Hot...Soo—"

Splinter paused the movie and stepped in front of the screen. "Oh, oh, a fun trivia fact about this scene—"

The turtles and Mizuki both blinked at him before they yelled in despair and annoyance.


"Are you out of your mind, Splinter?!"

"What are you doing? Play the punch!" Mikey said.

"Punch! Punch! Punch!" Raph, Leo, and Donnie both chanted.

Mizuki only glared at Splinter in disapproval.

"I thought you'd enjoy some inside tidbit info from your movie hero...me," Splinter smirked.

The turtles and Mizuki both blinked again before the boys chanted again. "Punch, punch, punch!"

"Whoever said never met your idols never met me," Splinter only said. "Am I right, kids? I can still remember every stuntman's name."

"Ryker, Chad, Wilder, the Brian twins, Kris with a K, Josh..." he then counted down the names of the stuntmen.

"Is it just me, or was Lou Jitsu a lot cooler before he was our dad?" Leo whispered to Raph and Mizuki.

The remote was thrown at the red-eared slider's head, which knocked him down to the floor. Raph winced and Mizuki gasped.

Donnie gasped as he slid up next to the two. "Good Galileo!"

"Honey, what is it?" Mizuki asked.

"The original Jupiter Jim is gonna be at Galaxy Con!" He showed her his phone, which revealed a movie poster of Jupiter Jim, and the words 'Galaxy Con' above.

"Marques Moncrief?!" Leo exclaimed. "He's my all-time favorite actor/role model/father figure!"

"I am standing right here," Splinter remarked jealously. "And really? Marques Moncrief? That guy couldn't hold my lobster bib!"

"Hey, we should get him to sign our special edition Jupiter Jim 1,000!" Raph suggested.

"To the comic book safe!" Donnie declared.

He took Mizuki by the hand and led her and his brothers to the comic book safe. She mouthed 'Sorry' to Splinter before she disappeared with the boys.

At the safe, Donnie gave his hand signature, eye I.D., and password.

"Begin voice match I.D.," a Donnie-like voice said.

"We don't have time for this!" Mikey yelled before Donnie could say the password.

"Voice not recognized."

A glass cage trapped Mikey.

"Bootyyyshak3r9000," Donnie chuckled.

"Access granted."

The safe door opened, and the three turtles and Mizuki gasped in amazement.

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: From Allies to Lovers (being edited)Where stories live. Discover now