yugyeom & bambam

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(this is sfw and kinda angsty, jus kinda matches my mood rn and i love yugbam so i'm writing about it lol)
bambam had sensed something was wrong with yugyeom recently. during practices he was faltering slightly, during conversations and meals he didn't joke around and talk as much as he always did, and he didn't play around with the other members as much, so it was safe to say that bam was worried.

yugyeom wouldn't admit it of course, they had already tried to get something out of him and it didn't work, so it resulted in the members talking out a plan and making bam get it out of him. after all, yugyeom is bam's best friend.

the plan was set for night, the remaining five were gonna leave to hopefully give some more motivation for yugyeom to talk, they just wanted their baby back.

"yugyeomm?" bam called out as he walked into yugyeom's room, automatically locking eyes with yugyeom as he was seated at the foot of his bed. he didn't look like yugyeom; he looked like a drained, lifeless version of the younger boy, it was heartbreaking.

"yuggie, baby, what's wrong?" bam said softly, walking over to sit beside the boy who honestly looked close to tears. yugyeom didn't look at him, he knew that if he did he would give in, just let go completely and he didn't know if that was what was right.

"i-..i don't know." yugyeom jutted his bottom lip put in a pout, but not the cute kind he's known for, the kind that makes his bottom lip tremble with sadness, a tale tell sign that his eyes will soon be the ones watering soon. bam frowned, placing yugyeom's hand in his own and smoothed over the skin with his thumb, trying anything to soothe the younger.

"what are you feeling like?," bam scooted a bit closer, sensing yugyeom ease a little into his comfort. yugyeom shrugged, looking up at bam from his crouched position. "think about it, angel. i need to know what's wrong with my baby, dont i?"

yugyeom's lip trembled again at that, bam always knew how to get him, always knew how to make him feel small when he was in fact, really not. "i'm just..sad. i don't feel as happy as i used to, i don't feel.." he trailed off at first, biting at his lip softly to think of his next word choice, the last thing he'd want to do is hurt his hyung's feelings. "i don't feel loved."

and there it was, the final statement that set the realization clouding in bam's mind. 'of course! how could i have not shown him enough love?'

"c'mere yuggie," bam motioned for yugyeom to climb into his lap, it being easier than the thought of it. once yugyeom was settled with his long legs hanging off the sides of bam's thighs, bam wrapped his arms tight around yugyeom; like he was afraid he'd break and disappear. "i'm so sorry you feel that way. we had no idea, i had no idea." bam peppered small and gentle kisses on his neck, rocking him softly to set the mood back down. "we love you so much gyeomie, i love you so much."

yugyeom whimpered softly at that, the kind of whimper that broke your heart to hear come from such a happy boy. bam felt yugyeom shake slightly, and then not so slightly, and then the noises escaped from his throat strongly; out of no where and loud. a sob found its way out from his lips, clutching onto bam like he would die if he let go.

"shhh baby, it's okay, i got you," bam continued whispering soft words into yugyeom's ear, feeling his own eyes water up at the sound of yugyeom sobbing so painfully. "you're okay, i'm never gonna let you feel like this again." bam concluded, making sure he got his point across by kissing the skin ever so softly while continuing his praising.

yugyeom eventually calmed down more, only resulting to soft sniffles and weak cries, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie because at that point he really couldn't care less. yugyeom turned his head to meet bam's eyes, frowning more at the sight of his own red eyes looking into bam's.

"please don't cry because of me." yugyeom finally said quietly, wiping the remaining tears with the pads of his thumbs. bam laughed softly, pulling yugyeom into another bone crushing hug but neither boys could find it in them to complain.

"thank you, hyung, for taking care of me." yugyeom thanked with his head leaning on bam's shoulder, bam just shushed him and kissed his forehead softly, eventually falling asleep from the tiring activities prior, both boys happy with the outcome of the situation.
sorry if this got too much or not good enough, tried my best!

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