"That was partially on you." She began, wagging her finger in Sean's face. "You didn't move your head like you usually do."

Sean smirked, "Touché. But your knees are bony, that was my point."

Kaycee rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. She turned around when she heard footsteps and singing from behind her. Their waitress set a small cake in the center of the table, with 'Happy 17th Birthday Sean' written in icing on the top. The staff finished their off-key rendition of happy birthday and departed, leaving a red-faced, smiling Sean to pretend to blow out imaginary candles.

"You gotta make a wish!" Sarah joked, pushing the cake closer to her brother.

Sean laughed, "I wish for better candles, then." He cut into his cake, stealing the first piece for himself, then passed it around so everyone had a piece.

Kaycee ate quietly and quickly while everyone else chatted aimlessly, a theme throughout the entire night. She turned to Kylie, who sat between her and her mother. After a few moments, Kylie looked back at her with a puzzled look on her face.

Kaycee merely pointed to the bag that hung over Laura's chair, where Sean's present was. Kylie's eyes widened in recognition, she turned to Laura and slid the bag open, discreetly pulling out a small rectangular object wrapped in multicolored paper and handing it to Kaycee under the table.

As silently as she could, Kaycee placed the gift in Sean's lap. Sean set his fork down on his plate and eyed the gift in his lap carefully.

"Why'd you get me something?" He whispered, not wanting to draw attention from their families.

She eyed him quizzically. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I didn't get you anything!" Sean whisper-yelled, his tone of voice panicked.

Kaycee giggled, "I didn't spend any money on it. Unless you count the money it took to get the pictures printed."

Sean furrowed his brows at the brunette, but cautiously unwrapped the gift on his lap, not knowing what to expect. When he pulled it out, he was met with a photo book, with his and Kaycee's smiling faces on the front.

He beamed, pulling the excess wrapping paper away and opening the book. The first page consisted of pictures from their first performance on World of Dance. The one in the middle was a polaroid with the date written on it, January 21, 2018; the very first time they performed on the WOD stage. His smile grew with each page he turned; Kaycee had captured the last eleven months of their life perfectly. On each page she had written small notes, some funny and some endearing.

When he reached the final page, it was nearly blank, only consisting of two photos and a few words. The first photo was a still-shot from 'Wrong Words,' the project that catalyzed their partnership. The second was from their Jordan Matter shoot, of the two in their signature poses, respectively, fist-bumping. The two were side by side, a few words in Kaycee's handwriting scrawled underneath.

I know there's so much more for us to do, the universe is a blank page when it comes to us, I just hope you're along for the ride :)

If Sean hadn't pulled a muscle smiling already, he certainly did then. He remembered reading that exact line in his notebook from Boston. As hard as it was to read back then, it was beautiful to read now.

He reached his arm out to Kaycee and pulled her into a side hug, resting his chin on top of her head. He breathed her in, blinking away the water that lined his eyes. He squeezed her shoulder and pulled away moments later, his eyes gleaming.

He sighed, "I wish you were nice enough to say these things out loud."

Kaycee gasped, pulling her hand from her lap and using it to backhand the boy next to her. "That's it? That's all you have to say?"

"I'm kidding!" Sean rubbed his arm in mock hurt. "But seriously, thank you. I can't even articulate how amazing this is."

"How amazing what is?" Serris asked, kicking Sean's shin again.

"You have to stop doing that." Sean exclaimed, reaching down to grab his shin. "And nothing, by the way, you're so nosy."

"Am not." Serris rebutted, crossing her arms over her chest.

Sean opened his mouth to respond, but Laura interrupted him. "Are we ready to go, or should we hold up this table for another two hours?"

That was enough of an invitation, as everyone stood up and grabbed their belongings. The two families exchanged goodbyes as they stepped out of the restaurant doors and into the chilly Los Angeles night.

Sarah squeezed Kaycee last, holding onto the younger girl tightly for a few moments while she whispered into her ear. "I don't know what was in that book you gave him, but thank you. We haven't seen him smile like that in awhile."

Kaycee blushed as Sarah pulled away, not realizing that she had seen her give Sean the photo book. She knew Sean wouldn't be able to hide it in the car, and Serris would start pestering him, so it wouldn't be able to be kept a secret.

She watched as the Lew's made their way toward the parking lot Kylie had tried to make her father park in earlier, and then disappear behind the concrete walls of the building.

Sean climbed into the backseat of the car, sliding his way into the middle between his two sisters. Before he could even buckle himself in, Serris ripped the book from his hands and opened it, flipping through the pages.

He successfully clipped the metal buckle in before turning to Serris and calmly took the book from her hands. "Nosy. You're nosy." He closed the book and set it down by his feet.

"Jesus Christ, will you just marry her already?" Serris cried, throwing her hands in the air.

Sean heard Sarah snort next to him, his parents not saying a word, acting as if they hadn't heard their daughter's outburst.

"I feel like I shouldn't even dignify that with a response." Sean laughed, keeping his eyes fixed forward.

"If I'm nosy, then you're infuriating." Serris spat, kneeing Sean in the thigh.

"Kick me one more time and I'll make sure to ignore all of those little signs you told me about and stop trying to figure things out with Kaycee. " Sean threatened, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Are we on the same page?"

Sean faced forward, ignoring the gaping girl next to him, who seemingly was at a loss for words. Soundlessly, he reached over and pushed Serris' chin upwards, closing her mouth.

"Close your mouth." He muttered, "You'll catch flies."


Author's Note:
Me after reading all of your comments saying how you hope Sean & Kaycee get together soon and then realizing that the tea hasn't even started yet:

Author's Note: Me after reading all of your comments saying how you hope Sean & Kaycee get together soon and then realizing that the tea hasn't even started yet:

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By the way I'M SORRY. And also happy Valentine's Day my dudes <3 I literally just had an exam in biopsych and then I'm meeting with my professor, packing my bag, and driving 3 hours to see my boyfriend :)
Have a fantastic day!

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