2. Student

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Karina strolled down the halls of the Jedi Temple. So far she followed a route to get where she needed to go, for she didn't remember the exact halls or rooms and their locations. But she was going to be here the rest of her life, so why bother working too hard on it when it'll just come naturally? Karina's teachings were going rather well. She's only six, so out of all her siblings her transition to being a Jedi was most smooth. Jake being seven, Kaylie and Zoe being nine, and Jim being eleven was more problematic.

Maverick Arlos, the Jedi who found them, is indeed a searcher for future younglings. He hardly is ever around because of it though, he's constantly off planet searching. So she was truly his acquaintance at best. Karina has been trying to talk to some of the masters. Master Plo Koon and Master Fisto were willing to chat, given they weren't busy even though if they were they were still very polite about it. Master Windu doesn't seem to want to talk to them at all, but it was quickly learned that he had that reputation. Master Yoda seemed kind of distanced at first, and Karina thinks maybe even a little hesitant, but eventually he was conversing with them all and sharing his knowledge of the Force. Every other master didn't really talk much except brief "hellos" in the halls.

Karina and her siblings were a special case, Karina could tell. All the masters were observing them carefully, particularly Yoda and Windu. They already let them know that the Council will choose their masters for them in the next few years if they do move on. Karina didn't mind though.

The change from a small town to a giant and luxurious Temple still catches Karina off guard, but she rather likes it. After a few weeks she seemed to have moved on slightly from her town and mother's fate. She'll never truly be the same, she knows, but Master Yoda told her that it was no use to be focused on the past and not present, especially at her age. Her siblings and cousin were probably told the same thing, because it appears they were on a similar boat as Karina.

Master Yoda did say that the Force worked more on how much your will is, so Karina was sure to stay as strong willed each time she practiced. She had a goal she was trying to achieve.

Over time Karina did think that the council didn't really trust her and her family, but at the age of six, she was too young to care. And she liked to believe it was that way with her family as well, though that was far from true. It, unknowingly to her, instead planted small seeds of distrust of the Council in Zoe and Jake.


Clad in the robes of a Jedi youngling, Karina stepped into the large room filled with padawans. Master Yoda stood in the center of the room as the yellow lights adorning held closely to the walls while shing dimly on his face. All of the other students held excitement and wonder in their faces, but Karina's was a thirst for information. She appeared bored while the room stayed in silence until finally Yoda speaks.

"Welcome, younglings. Learning how to call upon the Force, you will be." He says in his odd way of speaking. Some of the younglings' gasp in happiness and surprise, and Karina holds some interest. "But first you need, peace and calm. Relaxation. Soothe your mind."

Karina shuts her eyes and internally recites the Jedi mantra as she has been instructed to do. Her breathing calms and a part of her senses feels the inner calm of the entire room.

Mere moments later all the younglings stood before desks. On top of the desks were small pedestals, which had silver, durasteel balls. Class has begun.

Every youngling spread their arms forward and attempted the call they were instructed to do. Karina uses the peace and the calm and tries to warp it into a physical force that'll make the ball rise. But the ball stays down. She stares at the ball as she tries once more, her hazel eyes stemming deep into the shine of the silver.

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