Chapter 18

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Almost as quickly as Esther had found herself unburdened by the lie that she'd been living, she was now forced to continue living it. Altair knew of how she came to join the Assassins, as did Malik, but it was decided that they would keep this information from the rest of the brethren. As long as Esther stayed true to the Brotherhood, her past was irrelevant. She had been instrumental in Altair's road to redemption and continued to stand with him when it would have been in her favor to see him fall if she were loyal to the Rite.

Still, as she stood before those she had once aimed to betray, it was hard not to feel the remnants of old guilt fester.

Like many of brothers, Esther still showed some of the damage she'd endured during the fray. The most apparent had been done to the arm that she'd used to wield the Apple. An injury to her shoulder had left her arm in a sling, but what was most concerning was her broken wrist. If the bones weren't allowed to set and heal properly, it could hinder her for the rest of her life. Thankfully, with the decisive blow that had been dealt to the Templars, it was likely that she'd be afforded the time to recover that she needed. Still, as the capable person she was, being in this vulnerable state put her on edge.

That being said, one thing that she had not anticipated was the change in attitude toward her from the rest of the Brotherhood. With Mualim gone and their numbers dwindling. She was no longer considered one of their most promising members, but one of their most accomplished and respected as well. Of course, that would not be the case if the truth of her past was known, but as it stood, not only had she stood against their former mentor with Altair, but she had killed their greatest enemy in Robert de Sable.

Even with Altair as their new mentor and Malik at second in command, it could be argued that she had come as far as either of them. As a woman, she had established herself amongst the leadership amongst a Brotherhood of men that had never wanted to see her succeed. There was now a new crop of young brethren that were starting to look up to her much in the same way that Kadar had. What was surprising was how well she had stepped into the 'big sister' roll. It was a much needed second chance, given some the lingering guilt she carried from Solomon's Tomb.

Very quickly, morale had gone from extremely low to quite high within their ranks. Though they were all slightly different in how they handled their new rolls in leadership; Altair, Malik, and Esther had all earned respect amongst the majority of their order. As they began to rebuild, there was hope where there had once been none.

"That is good," Malik responded as the three of them stood in Altair's new office, "That feeling means that you are fit to lead." He bowed to his former rival before taking his leave. He met Esther's gaze briefly, giving a short nod and a smile as he departed. As one of the few who shared her secrets, Malik still harbored some complicated feelings toward her past, but true reconciliation looked to be in their future.

When their brother had left the room, Esther turned to Altair, the pride she felt as she looked at him showed itself in the form of a warm smile. "You're doing it. We have a long way to go, but you're leading the way."

. . .

Altair took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. His gaze looked about the room. This room held many memories for him, ever since he was 11 years old and joined the Brotherhood. Now at the age of 26 he was the Mentor of the Brotherhood. He was expected to be wise, ominous, and purge the corruption that had invaded the Creed.

"A leader is only as good as those who follow him. It brings me great reassurance that you are right behind me, apart of this reformation of the Brotherhood. Should I begin stray, I have no doubt you will guide me back to what is right." The emphasis on the word guide was a bit of an understatement. He had no doubt she would speak her mind or clout him on the backside of his head to ensure he did not stray from truly honoring the Creed.

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