Chapter 7

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"I hold here a list. Nine men adorn it, nine men who need to die. They are black market arms dealers, plague-bringers, war-makers... Their power and influence corrupt the lands, ensuring that the Crusades continue." Al-Mualim said to Altaïr and Esther as they spoke in private conference within the Assassin stronghold in Masyaf.

After both received a sword and not being allowed to wield a second hidden blade, Altaïr and Esther were tasked with hunting nine men who supported the Third Crusade as penance for his recent transgression.

Al Mualim then informed Altaïr that he would not make any decisions or actions without Esther's complete agreement. If he was rash she had permission to subdue him. Execution would await him if they failed in completing these assassinations. They would need to obtain permission from the local Assassination Bureaus to perform each assassination.

Altaïr argued that he did not need their permission, but Al Mualim overruled him, telling Altaïr this was the price he would pay for his earlier mistakes.

Altaïr looked to Esther recalled she was the reason he was not entirely demoted or beheaded for his transgression. Finally accepting the offer, Altaïr and Esther left Masyaf on horseback and rode towards Damascus, beginning his quest for redemption.

. . . .

In her head, Esther had imagined that the day she had become a Master Assassin would be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. It was, but not in the ways that she had thought it would be. She hadn't expected the price to be so steep. Paying it had been a sobering experience. Kadar would never come home, Malik did not seem like he would ever fully forgive her, and Altair still did not love her. It was growing harder to ignore how her feelings for him were undercutting the rest of her life, how her love was making her weak.

She kept her head bowed while Altair argued with their mentor. It was reminiscent of when he had left their spot of cover above de Sable. She wanted to stop him, but knew that there was little point in trying. The thought gave her great concern as to what role her consent might play in their assignment. For years, her goal had been to bring herself and Altair together. Being handed a long-term mission like this, with him, should have been viewed as a reward. Now, she almost dreaded it.

Still, with the possibility of his execution in the balance, she would make sure that every name on that list belonged to a dead man.

Esther had never blamed him for his actions in Solomon's Tomb, she had always known him to be guided by what he believed to be right. But since his promotion to Master Assassin, she could see that his confidence and self-assuredness were turning in to arrogance. His judgement had been clouded. Glancing over to him as they left the office, it was strange to feel like she should remind him of their Creed. It did not seem like her place, he had always been the one to do so with her. Ultimately, she held her tongue.

Leaving her apprehension behind became easier once Masyaf was disappearing behind them. Riding together, they pushed the horses as hard as they could handle, dashing along the trails that wound through the countryside. They took turns passing and drafting behind one another, in between short races toward prominent landmarks. It was exhilarating. By the time they reached the stables at Damascus, night had fallen.

. . . .

Night had fallen when they could see the outline of torches that surrounded the city of Damascus. They had pushed the horses as hard as the beasts could handle to get them to Damascus with most of the suns light hours.

They retired their horses to the stables. Altair gave the stable boy a bit of coin in exchange to provide care for their creatures. He was now certain the boy would see that the beasts were properly cared for a while, without questioning if they had to long stay for someone who wasn't a merchant traveler.

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