Chapter 2

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"Of course it is," she teased as a coy smile creased her lips. She slid around from behind him, pulling herself close. Unmistakable emerald gaze peered into his from within her hood, "Do you have any other profundities to announce?" She scanned Altair's eye's for traces of his modern self, trying to see if he would be able to rise to the surface without her outwardly addressing him.

By now, being Esther was quite literally second nature to her. She had spent so much time in the Animus that Esther may have even changed her sensibilities when she wasn't plugged in. In a way, Devyn felt that through becoming Esther, she had been introduced to parts of herself that she never would have known otherwise since she hadn't been raised by her own blood. Before that, Devyn had never known what it was like to carry one's self with such confidence. She had never pushed back against authority or broken any rules set upon her. Entering the Animus had done a lot to turn her into quite the handful for the Doctor and Abstergo.

Perhaps that was part of what brought her and Altair so close, they were very similar in that regard. Often times, much to the disfavor of the rest of the Brotherhood. All in all, their recklessness as a duo largely contributed to their effectiveness as a duo. If it were not for Altair's support, Esther may not have been allowed to graduate to the rank of Assassin in the first place, something that the Brotherhood generally did not allow women to do.

Masyaf was bustling with the regular commotion around them. Weapons being forged and sharpened, blades striking against one another, young assassins engaging in sparring sessions with weapons and in hand to hand combat.

Speaking to both Altaïr and Talon, Esther shouted "Wake up!" as she quickly turned her back to Altair, gripping his collar. In one quick motion, she shoved the outside of her hip towards him and swept at his feet with one of hers, aiming to leverage him up off of his feet and spill him onto his back. A circle of their peers jeered, watching on as the two engage in their own sparring session.

. . . .

His name, well technically the name of the ancestor Talon was reliving, slid off his tongue with ease despite the foreign language of the syllables. A moment later he heard a familiar voice as a lithe figure maneuvered around him so they were face to face.

Her appearance had changed, but her eyes seemed unmistakable. Devyn was there, but in the is time period her ancestor she embodied the name felt very comfortable to say as well. "There you are...Esther." He spoke, gaining another wave of familiarity.

Talon felt emotionally surprised at the sudden movements of the woman before him. Her body had a language of its own as she turned and attempted to sweep his leg off balance and leverage him to the ground. Altair knew what to do at such a movement, he knew how to read this body language as easily as it was to breathe, especially with her verbal warning.

Altair shifted his weight and hands clasps onto her and arms did a broad motion, breaking the contact she had on his collar. He took a couple steps back, regaining his balance. His body settled into a hand to hand combat stance. Then his body began to move of its own accord. Doing basic fighting techniques that felt second nature. A kick that allowed him to maneuver and close the distance between them to hand to hand sparring combat range.

The two Assassins were equally skilled at the art of sparring. It almost felt like a memorized dance to Talon. Parry block, strike, evade, jab, kick, etc. His mind wasn't over thinking how he was doing these maneuvers with her. His body was simply doing what felt comfortable natural. His mind analyzed his opponents movements and he acted accordingly.

The excitement of the peers around them in a surrounding seemed to grow as Altair's movements became faster and sure. "Don't hold back." He spoke to her, feeling ready for more. He was certain she had started of with the verbal warning to him as her version of Devyn's words, 'start off slow.'

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