Chapter 8

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The morning sun brought Altair out from his peaceful slumber. Memories of the previous night clouded his subconscious mind. The kiss that he had bestowed upon her lips had been but an ember of affection that transformed into a flame of passion.

The memory of their hands exploring the contours of each other caused pleasant chills to crept over his skin that now yearned for her touch. The restraint he reluctantly exercised when it was clear they both began to resent the clothing that had separated their bodies from deeper intimacy. They couldn't risk compromising her physical condition while on a mission. Once they completed their mission if they wanted to take that chance of that act of love could manifest into a physical being, they would. Knowing the consequence could be a haitus from the Brothethood.

With the sleep banished from his eyes, he found Esther's form sleeping within his embrace as they lay upon the bed. Definitely a much better way to sleep then upon the floor and his misguided pride. He tightened his embrace for a moment taking in one last chance to enjoy everything about it before getting up to make himself ready for the day and the tasks ahead.

Altaïr and Esther traveled to the bureau in Acre and was told to search the Poor District for signs of the target. As the Assassins walked the streets, Altair learned that Garnier would soon be leaving his secluded study to tend to his patients. Following this, Altaïr also learned that all of the men who resided in Garnier's hospital were taken against their will from Jerusalem, likely stolen away by a man, a slave trader, named Talal.

They scouted out the hospital's location and returned to the Rafiq Jabal, revealing the discoveries. Jabal nooded his head in approval, "You two have done well." He gave the Altair the white feather necessary for his task.

With the help of some wandering scholars, Altaïr infiltrated the fortress in time to witness an escape attempt by a patient; the man ran out of the hospital, screaming for help, but was soon caught by Garnier's guards. Garnier then appeared and spoke kindly to the patient, preaching how he would heal him. However, the patient was not convinced, yelling of the evils done by Garnier and his men within the hospital.

Garnier became enraged and slapped his patient, before commanding the guards to send him back to his cell. When the man proclaimed that he would simply escape again, Garnier ordered the guards to break both of the patient's legs. The deed was carried out, and Garnier's victim was dragged wailing into the hospital. Breaking away from the scholarly group, Altaïr followed Garnier into the hospital. As the man was completing his rounds, Altaïr and approached and assassinated him.

Garnier accepted his death, but expressed worry for his "children". Altaïr was surprised and confused by Garnier's concern for the subjects he had taken against their will, though Garnier claimed that they had no will of their own, as the majority were either insane or suffered from mental disorders. Garnier claimed that he and the Knights Hospitalier were trying to save these people, and professed that they were only taken for their own good; Garnier went on to add that he had been successful in his efforts, noting that his own guards were once deranged mental patients.

Altaïr asked "Do you truly believe you helping these patients?" which Garnier affirmed. He then died, and Altaïr immediately escaped from the guards who had witnessed the doctor's death. He met back with Esther and returned to the bureau, and after asking the Rafiq for guidance, on the peculiar mindset of the deranged healer. Jabal dismissed the question witha wave of his hand, "Trust your intuition, rather than the words of an enemy, a dying one at that." Altair nodded and the Rafiq looked to Esther and procured a white feather. "Assassinate Acre's regent, William of Montferrat. William was put in charge of the city as a sort of political hostage, to calm the conflicts that his son, Conrad, was building with King Richard I. That cannot be allowed." Altaïr expressed disgust at the underhanded acts of politicians; the Rafiq looked to him and said, "We too are politician of sorts, as each assassination done by the Brotherhood changed the political landscape of the Holy Land in its own way."

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