"So what happens to the guy that tried to hurt Cas, did you get him?"

"Yes I did and I'm certain there's no beautiful ending for him. He had a choice to do what he did and he choice wildly."

Brienna nodded in understanding. She knew there would be death involved, there was always death.

"I wanna see Craig, is it possible for me to see him tomorrow?"

"Yes, it is." Raye had pulled her closer yet again to place a kiss on her forehead. "Now please stop worrying, everything's fine."

Everything wasn't fine, but Raye knew she needed to act like it was.
The night's incident only proved that Craig wasn't forgotten and now they'd be lashing out at his family too.
Sometime during her thought, Brie had left the room leaving her to dry the water from her body and then putting own some clothes. She found her phone and was talking to her uncle about the guy. Luca had already taken action into his own hands and was repaying things justly.

She got off the phone just in time to find Brie making her way over to her again. In silence, she took her by the arm a little harshly which caused her to arch a brow but didn't protest.
Brienna had led her over to the couch forcing them both to sit, later surfacing an ice pack. Raye was about to protest but the look the girl gave her made her relax. It wasn't filled with anger but tenderness and compassion. She was silently pleading with her to behave so she could tend to her bruise, and eventually, Raye complied. Feeling the cold compress unto her thigh being held firmly, a whimper slipped out of from between her pressed lips, drawing Brie's attention.

"I'm sorry but it has to be done so it's going to hurt,"

"Yes boss," Raye stated again and hearing that struck a nerve in Brie's head which made her press harder unto the bruise, and visibly Raye reacted. She pulled away and whined girlishly, staring unbelievably into Brienna's eyes.

* * *

Between her fingers, Brienna was fumbling with the wrapper that belonged to the straw submerged deep inside her untouched milkshake. The entire time her eyes stayed fix on the drops of water cascading from the cold beverage, yet her consciousness was on another far off-planet. She'd finish venting her current crisis to Chris, and like the good friend he was, he sat through all of her explained events. Now he just waited for her to snap out from that complex reverie she was thrown in so they could continue.

"I don't think you should tell anyone else," he struck up and Brie snapped from her thoughts. "Right. I didn't plan too. I was hoping that you won't say anything to Mia and Ava, or Trish either. I don't want the girl's freaking out."

"I promise I won't. Just promise me you won't go crazy with this thing on your mind."

"How can I not Chris, we're talking about my brother here a-and Cassie, oh my god!" She facepalmed, sighing into her own hands.

"You mentioned that Raye said it was going to be different this time and I believe it,"

"Yeah I believe her too but only the universe knows how this is going to end. The last time I ended up losing her for an entire year. What if this time I lose her for good, or what if I get hurt, or my family or one of you guys?"
Brie questioned, her eyes stinging from the tears. Christopher had reached across the table and took her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. His jaw clenched at the sight of his friend being so emotional.

"Have faith in what she says, it's different this time and you see it. They just need a way to fix all this. I don't know how but I'm sure Raye and her uncle will figure this out."

"I don't doubt that they will, I actually believe that they can but it's the process of fixing this that scares me. Like how many more instances like last night are there going to be?"

"Hopefully none,"

A heavy sigh left Brienna again and Chris ran off in thoughts to come up with a way to change the dismal mood between him and the curly-headed girl.
"Next weekend Trish wants all of us to go to a party a friend of hers is hosting, what do you say?"

"I'd love to go," Brie rose up, wiping at the tiny specks of tears around her eyes.

"Good because I already told her that we were going to show, " He replied and she chuckled.

"Speaking of, how's Mia and Ava?"

"They're fine, I guess. Why?" His brow was arched a little. Brienna had noticed and thoughts of the two girls came flooding back and she didn't know if it was appropriate to mention to her friend about the ongoing love affair between them. Sure she trusted Chris but didn't know if she should.

"I was just a little curious," she slipped.

"Right," he chuckled. "Something tells me you're just as intuitive as I am and you've already noticed it."

"Noticed what?"

"C'mon, don't give me that Brie."

"What?" She was grinning now, from ear to ear.

"I know that you know the thing that's happening between Mia and Ava, I've seen it. It's very obvious that they both seem to enjoy eating out each other's boxes now, " His reply made Brie cackle so hard that others in the small cafe turned around and gave her judgemental glares. Piping her laughter down a notch, she glared at Chris to find that he too was trying to maintain his composure. "How long have you known?"

"For a while. At first, I had this gut feeling that something like that was going to happen because let's face it, they're quite promiscuous and opened to a lot of things but then Mia confided in me and that's how it was confirmed."

"I always knew it was going to happen, though at first, I thought that maybe something between you and Mia was going to play out."

"What?" Brienna was in total shock at what she'd heard.

"For a while, that's what I thought but I was wrong,"

"So wrong," she chuckled, finally taking a sip from her drink.

"Doesn't Ava have a boyfriend though, that weird guy, what's his name?"

"Keith," she replies.

"Yeah, Keith. So they're having an affair and poor Keith doesn't know a thing?"

"He doesn't deserve Ava, he's a jerk so," she stated.

" That's true,"

"She won't leave him though and I don't even know why."

"Maybe he pipes her right?" Christopher asked, sitting back crossing his arms against his chest. He and Brienna both studied one another in silence until they disagreed in unison,
"Nah," they said, laughing together.

"I hope she leaves him though, he seems toxic."

Pushing around the straw in her milkshake, she and Chris talked about the love affair between Mia and Ava until Raye had texted her saying she was outside. As requested she was going to be taken to see her brother after how many weeks. Brie didn't know if she was going to get angry at seeing him or not nor could she promise she won't thump him upside the head.

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