Substitutes and Sacrifices II/II

Start from the beginning

While Sam and Cas prepared for an assault, I lingered upstairs in my room, going through my laundry to find something combat worthy.
I sensed Dean coming before he even knocked on the door, rolling my eyes and sighing.
"Come in..."

The door swung slowly, and my little brother strode in with caution.
"Can I help you?" I asked snidely, not looking at him.

"Just wanna talk. In case we die today," he said gently. I groaned and turned to him, arms folded.

"So talk."

"Hows the head?"

"Hurts, you?"

"Word to the wise, don't piss off the nerdy angels."

"Word to the wise, I owe you a cheap shot."

"That's fair. Listen...I just...want to apologize. I mean not for trying to get to Michael but ...I shouldn't have hit you. I could've got around you some other way..."

"So you think."

He smirked. "Ok, fine. was wrong. I mean, Sam and me, we've been beating on each other for years. If we fight, no big deal. But I dont ever want to hurt you, you've done nothing but look after us..."

I was beginning to melt, but I stood my ground and maintained my scowl.
"What's your point, Dean?"

"My point is..I love you, Hazel. And no matter what happens, I'll make sure you make it out of this in one piece."

I inhaled sharply through my nose, fighting back tears and rolling my head back in defense.
"I love you too, you fucking asshole."

At then he was the old Dean again, if only for a moment, with a big obnoxious grin. "Hug it out?" he suggested, arms spread and taking a step closer.
I dropped my guarded arms, waiting for him to get in range.
He thought he'd be getting a hug, but instead I socked him in his already busted eye.
"Now we can hug it out."

The embrace wasn't obligated and terrible like I expected. I held him so tight he grunted from the bruised ribs he earned from Cas. I wiped my eyes on his shoulder and breathed him in.
The whiskey, the sweat and blood, cheap deodorant.. all of it.

"I see all is forgiven..."

Castiel and Sam had come up to my doorway, Cas looking disgruntled to say the least. But Sammy looked pleased.
"We're ready to go, Dean," Sam said. Dean left me with a satisfied nod and pushed past the others, Sam following behind him.

Castiel stayed, looking at me, unreadable inside and out.
"Look...I'm still pissed at him, but I wasn't gonna leave it -"

"Its fine. That's not why I'm here," he wandered over to me with purpose, placing hands on my shoulders. I knew it was serious then.

"Let me're not taking me with?" I exasperated bitterly.

"There's no reason for you to be there. I'd just be handing you over to the angels," he said. He fixated on me, the blue fires set in his skull melting me like wax.

"Isn't that exactly what you're doing with them?" I argued.

"This is something they have to do. It isnt about you."

"Yeah? And what about you? After all that, you're still gonna risk your neck for them? Are you gonna come back!?" My voice cracked, eyes moistened.

"I dont know. Not likely."

I ran a hand through my hair and stepped away from him. "I should be there to back you up," I insisted.

"Hazel, someone will have to keep up the fight if we fail..."

Seer《Book 1: Season 5-6 》Where stories live. Discover now