Chapter 6 - Old Tragedies

Start from the beginning

"Awww!" Ruby whined as a pout grew on her face. "I wanted to know about the other Kings too!"

Ky rubbed his head sheepishly. "Sorry, my knowledge on the others is kinda limited on what I read. But if I find out more, I'll tell you. Deal?"

Ruby smiles at Ky. "Deal, but that just begs the question..."

Ky looks at Ruby confused. "What's that?" He asked.

"How do you feel right now?"

Ky thinks for a second, smiles, and then hugged Ruby. Forcing a 'eep' sound from her. "Thanks Rosebud... That actually helped a lot..."

Ruby looked surprised before she hugged him back. "You're welcome." After a moment, the duo slowly break off, staring each other dead in the eyes. They were both red, but neither of them wanted to point it out.

"Ruby?" Ky whispered, while blushing.

"Y-Yeah?" She asked back, equally as nervous.She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it. In the next moment, both seemed to forget everything around them. They edged closer and closer, Ky's eyes gazing down at her lips. Her eyes, glassy and sparkling, fluttered closed. The two then unconsciously lean forward, their faces inches away from each other. Their lips about to make contact when suddenly...

"Hey, you two!" The pilot yelled from the cockpit. Ky and Ruby immediately separate in surprise, blushing madly as they looked over at him. "We made to our destination!"

"Oh...O-Okay!" Ky called back to the man with a blush, before he lost it. "Drop us there, please."

The pilot obeyed, circling around the town to find a landing spot. He sets the Bullhead down just outside the village in, what looks to be, a makeshift landing area. He unlocks the Bullhead doors.

"Alright, you've got a few hours. When the time comes I'll contact you on your scroll, and if something happens then you contact me, capiche?"

Ruby nodded. "Thank you, sir. We'll see you later."

The duo hop out of the Bullhead and finally see the town, which caused Ruby to stop mid-way and bring a hand to her mouth. Unable to fathom the sight laid out before her.

'Is this Ky's home town?' Ruby asked herself in thought, gazing out onto the vast wasteland of destroyed homes and piles of rubble

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'Is this Ky's home town?' Ruby asked herself in thought, gazing out onto the vast wasteland of destroyed homes and piles of rubble. Fallen buildings and large craters also surrounded the entire area where Esuna Town used to sit.

She snuck a small glance over to Ky, who she could tell was out of it right now. His stare was blank and he hasn't moved for a few minutes. She can only imagine what's going on in his head, so she didn't disturb him. From what he's told her he needed this. He needed time to remember and reflect.

Ky remained silent his eyes overlooking his demolished home town. From the Bullhead dock he could recognize many landmarks of the town. The blue-haired teen spotted everything, from the park where he and Aptus would play together. To the town square, where a statue of the town founder stood proudly. Unaffected by not only time, but the tragic events that where held here so many years ago.

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