Devyn was all too familiar with what he was experiencing, as she was right their with a word of easy going encouragement. Her words about another back in her room brought a grin to his lips. "That sounds great. Maybe you can show off some of those self proclaimed expert guitar skills while I enjoy them." With that remark he began to eat.

He only ate half of the white pasta and shrimp dish. A couple of breadsticks were used solely to dip into the soup broth and then eat them. Deciding it would be unwise to force himself further he finished off his drink.

"I'm going to go shower. I'll be by your room in a few minutes to make good on that offer." He reassured and instead of making her get up to slide out of the booth seat they had shared, he simply vaulted up and over effortlessly to exit the dining hall.

. . .

When Talon brought up the possibility of her playing the guitar, the idea actually made her a little nervous. It wasn't often that she had an audience when she played.  Still, Devyn found herself giving a soft smile, as she started into her meal. "I could probably do that."  Emotional support wasn't a role that she was used to playing, but it came naturally to her in this situation and she was glad to see it alleviate his strife, even if only for a moment. Before too long, he was leaving the booth.

. . .

As he went out into the hallway, the doors swung open to reveal Salim. He leaned back against the far wall with his arms folded across his chest. His dark eyes were fixed on Talon, a grin made it's way to his face. The tank of a man turned and walked alongside him without saying a word. When they reached the intersection where Talon would've normally turned toward the living quarters, Salim blocked off the hall and lead him in the other direction. The two travelled down this corridor for a while until they came to an unmarked door. Salim blocked off the hall again and pulled open the door, gesturing for Talon to enter.

Eva sat in an office chair in front of a wall of screens and monitors. Behind her was an array of different views from cameras all over the facility. The mousey girl spun around in her chair and eyed the two as they entered, "What's up?" she said in greeting.

"We don't have a lot of time," said Salim as he continued across the room toward Eva and turned to to face Talon, "The two of you are progressing very quickly. Soon, you will unlock the memory that Abstergo is looking for and you will learn of the Apple's location. This information must not fall into their hands."

Eva jumped in, "We'll do what we can on our end, but you're going to have to get creative. You're going to have to mislead them somehow."

Salim nodded, "You will see its power for yourself soon enough, brother. Remember, that is what we are fighting to prevent."

. . .

It didn't take words for Skye to know he needed to follow Salim. He felt his heart began to quicken in pace as the two Abstergo employees looked to him with unfounded confidence in this endeavor they desired from him.

He looked at the two, returning a hard stare, "And if I say no? We are exploring memories of over 500 years ago. What are the chances this Apple that took away free will then is still even functional? I could play nice and give Abstergo exactly what they want. I am getting VERY well paid now and more so should I give them what they want. I'd be permitted to walk out of here with my life set to live modest but comfortable until they day I die. We both could." Talon added, knowing Salim was rather personal to Devyn, having been around her entire life.

"I play nice and Devyn truly free. I play hard ball as you suggest and that hope for her is gone by no fault of her own." Skye retorted, unrealizing his voice had become raised and sharp in aggravation.

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