"You idiot!" She said. "Your heroics almost cost you your life. If it wasn't for this orc, you would be dead."

He looked up at orc who he misjudged now for the third time and scolded himself for being like his father. Not all orcs were good, but not all elves were good either and it was time prejudice to end.

"Thank you!" he said with tears in his eyes and he embraced her once more.

"You might want to wash the disease off your hands though," Art Joked callously not paying attention to the drama at hand, he never liked these rats, but he was beginning to like this plan.

"The reunion can wait!" Lox said ignoring his friend, "Apologies too."

"Yes," Art agreed his tone returning to serious. "We should leave now, they will know soon enough. My laugh might have alerted them already, sorry."

"I'm so lost..." Sol said truthfully. He was still so confused, happy but confused.

"Never mind," Lox said. "There isn't any time, we are getting you out of here, let's go!"

Sol didn't budge, he was caught up in the moment and couldn't seem to snap out of it.

"He's right Sol" Rainnah agreed shaking Sol out of his thoughts and getting to her feet. Sol joined her trying to console himself, she seemed so much more composed, so much stronger than he was now. If only his father could see her now, so brave, so noble. Perhaps he could see what Sol saw in her, but he knew that wasn't likely. He didn't know what to think, who to trust, but he had Rainnah by his side and that was going to be enough. He would focus on that, the rest would sort itself out.

He hoped.


Outside the cavern, Ivan and Arden were unaware of their fallen comrade, nor of the betrayal of their friend, nor of the escape that was underway. The air here was much lighter and the stress was all but gone. Only those with magic could sense something was wrong, and luckily for Lox and Art and Sol and Rainnah, Ivan nor Arden had not an ounce of usable magic in their bodies.

"Ivan!" Arden bellowed from the ground. "Ta'nnah asked me to come to get you, having a meeting, everyone must attend." Ivan didn't like leaving his post unguarded but if Ta'nnah said so, Ta'nnah said so.

"You go on ahead, tell them I will join them soon as I make one last look around."

Not being magic wasn't much of a problem for Ivan however, the skills he developed without magic certainly made him more aware than most. Magic was all around them and threats were great and could come from any direction, a creature without it would have to be hyper-vigilant in order to survive properly - the only thing his father had ever told him that was worthwhile. He was good at what he did and took it very seriously.

"Alright," Arden said jokingly, "Suit yourself, but don't take too long I'm likely to drink your share."

"Better not, I'll have to shoot you!" He laughed in return, aiming his empty bow in mock threat and shooting him with a make-believe arrow.

Arden laughed. Ivan laughed. It was good to be apart of a family Ivan felt, even if they were broken in many ways - but back to business. Ivan waved him on and Arden returned to the cave leaving him alone in the dark. He didn't mind, of course, it was his duty after all to be the lookout and rats had an excellent eye for things in the dark, his sharper than most even of his own kind. He quite enjoyed the moments to himself. He looked out as far as he could see, nothing but the darkness steadily waning on. It was safe (relatively of course), to come down from his tower. Of course, he would check the ground level just to be sure, and so he did. When he found no immediate dangers, he decided it's best to call it a day, if the danger wasn't out here, it certainly was within. Ta'nnah was an ally, but she was definitely not safe. When she called a meeting, she called a meeting, and it wasn't in his best interest to keep her waiting longer than necessary, with this thought he hastened his pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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