11.9K 376 141

New York City , Bronx NY
December 26 , 2018
4:30 pm


Uh un she not wearing that small ass dress i said snatching it out of tiny hand

Dude it's not even small she huffed

Yeah whatever it's cold anyways buy her some pants i said

She rolled her eyes grabbing some pants while faith looked at her shirts

I grabbed her little bows the girls be wearing and a dress that wasn't to small. After finding her them thick ass stockings we paid and left meeting dave and ivy in foot locker

I. Wanted her to have some have some nice kicks but tiny said she ain't into all that so we found her a couple pair of light up sparkling ones.

What's wrong with you i asked picking.  Up this cute Nike outfit.

Ivy ass tripping talking about she pregnant he mumbled

Is it yours i asked

I don't even know we ain't fucked in a while imma wait to get a DNA test he said

I shook my head putting the outfit back. After 2 more hours of walking around we left. Me and tiny headed back to her house. I laid across her lap as she rubbed my head.

I licked over my lips closing my eyes.

You staying the night she asked

Nah imma crash at my crib i said sitting up

Oh she said lowly

I got up stretching she got up storming to the back. I shrugged leaving out. Once i heard the locks click i walked to my car getting in. I smoked a blunt on the way home.

I went straight to my room laying across the bed turing on the TV

Martin was playing so i kept it on that grabbing a pillow.

I bit into my chicken from Popeyes eyeing honor as she stuffed her face with mashed potatoes.

After dinner i was go take her to the park while i hopped. I know faith be tired so i wanted to give her a break

Shit she still a teenager she should be able to have fun too.

You ready i asked

She nodded as i stood up scrapping my plate. I helped her put on her shoes grabbing my keys.

I sat her in the front putting on her seat belt.

I got in speeding off to the park grabbing my ball out the back

Aye now listen.... No running off don't talk to strangers and don't take shit from nobody i said

Okay she said looking at the swings

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