The Battle of Winterfell, Part 1 AKA The Dragons Meet the Dead

Start from the beginning

Jon looks below himself to see the Northerns, Free Folk, Dothraki and Unsullied getting into position. He could even make out where Grey Worm was standing nearly dead still while monitoring the preparations. Jon felt a cold wind suddenly sweep over him. He looks up to see that the fog had begun moving again, much more slowly, towards Winterfell. Jon wrings his hands gripping the spines on Rhaegal's back. Here we go.

The Night King watches as the smaller dragon rejoins the larger one in the sky. He is hit by the knowledge that both dragons must now have their riders. Currently, this was a minor change or at least he believed. He feels a feather touch on his mind from below. His White Walkers were getting restless, itching to send their men into battle. Apparently cocky arrogance in the face of the enemy plagues even the undead, the demon king muses. With a bare glance below, he signaled his army to move forward, if his generals expect a quick victory, he would let them win it.

After a few moments, painful screeches were heard, and the Night King feels hundreds of his troops suddenly die true deaths. The fog was impacting his own view of the battleground and the images he was getting from his Walkers were confusing, to say the least. With a wave of his hand, he lessened the fog so he could see the ground. He is shocked by what he sees.

Very clever, Jon Snow. Without a sound, he calls for his own mount. Let's have some fun.

Jon can not help the smirk that forms on his lips as the surprised and painful screeches reach his ears. He notices the fog begins to stop then retreat, beginning to reveal the front lines of the Army of the Dead. The dead had begun encountering the first dragonglass pits in the first ring of their defenses. Yet, Jon knew it would not hold them for long as sheer numbers would just fill the pits up. Hence why there were over five hundred pits all around Winterfell.

Jon suddenly heard screeches from behind, he turns around to see the same thing happening from the rear. The Night King had indeed split his army to try to overwhelm them quickly. Hence why Jon had more pits dug to the rear as well as having them closer together. He still made sure that several hundred archers still manned the rear walls just in case.

More screeches were heard from the front, causing Jon to refocus back forward. He noted that the army was quickly making its way towards the second ring of defenses as the first was overwhelmed. The first wave of fire arrows whistled below him, taking out the entire first few lines of the dead. It looked like Arya had the archers altering waves of arrows using fire then dragonglass.

As the dead approaches the second ring of defenses, which also included the dragonglass pits of the first ring but also had dragonglass spears plus a surprise that Jon was able to secure from King's Landing. The Dothraki screamers began making their war calls. Jorah signaled them to charge as the dead began hitting the spears and pits, horses thundering across the plains as they wheel around to hit the first wave by the flank - taking advantage of the gap that had formed by each bloc shifting away from each other. Jorah had been informed beforehand, to not let the Dothraki get more than halfway into the first ring of defenses. They did not want them to die from superior numbers.

As the Dothraki collided with the dead, three short horn blasts erupted. The White Walkers leading the first charge looked around in confusion. Starting as a light clap before growing to a roaring thunder. A huge wave of Northern calvary began approaching the dead from both the East and West, allowing them to double envelop them from the rear.

Before Jon could watch the Dothraki charge, a sharp screech-like roar came from the dissipating fog. Jon & Dany quickly look forward to locating the Night King. As Jon's thoughts quickly reminded him of how the Night King attacked the first time, he quickly guided Rhaegal to yaw sharply to the left, wings straining as the dragon ascends above the great castle. Dany remained in place to draw him out. It worked.

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