Altair's time in the dungeon had been difficult for her, but it was also a time of growth. She had been able to focus on herself and become rededicated to her training. Instead of working to best a rival, she spent her time bettering her skill set. That slight difference in emphasis allowed her to make great strides over the course of that month. She even managed to regain some of Mualim's favor. That being said, when it came time for Altair's release, she was there to meet him.

Knowing that he had been through a lot, she didn't want bother him with unnecessary chatter, so she was content to walk in silence, unless he had something on his mind. As the pair neared the city below the fortress, Esther picked up the pace. The sun had began to fall and the stonework that built Masyaf turned gold in the late afternoon light. Coming to the end of the path, she pulled ahead and they began their run. From here on, she intended to make him work to keep up with her. As she approached one of the buildings at the outskirts of town, she skipped up off of a box and sprang up just high enough to swing herself up onto the roof, breaking out into a sprint.

Esther had always been an elite free-runner. She never seemed to lose forward momentum and her feet always seemed to find the ground. Now, she was more explosive and more nimble than ever. She ran along walls with ease and scaled heights that seemed insurmountable for a person her size. All the while, she gracefully tumbled through the air and rolled out of long drops to the ground. Gradually, she lead him along the rooftops that looked down upon the waters residing below Masyaf, then through the back alleys of the city itself. They hoisted themselves over ledges, launched over gaps, and stayed out of sight. Eventually, they managed to reach the stables, dropping down by the city gates without having alerted a single citizen of their presence.

Without skipping a beat, she swung herself up onto one of the horses. Her eyes were wild with an excitement that had been absent while he was gone. They were only a short ride away from a number of places where they could test their skills against each other.

. . . .

Altair found her request to walk for a bit curious. But none the less he agreed. As their feet found the leisure stride he found the slow action with her to be surprisingly pleasant. Under other circumstances he found walking to be too slow for his liking to accomplish anything but blending in with a crowd when necessary. This walk with her was different than that. Just doing so and feeling the presence of her company made the action worth doing.

All too soon they were ready to run. Scaling the buildings, it was as if their feet had wings. They carried them over ledges, gaps, all the while staying undetected by the citizens of Masyaf. It never ceased to amaze him how graceful Esther could be during this task. He only caught glimpses from the corner of his eyes, but it was enough. To see her eyes, mind, and body so sure of herself. She had a grace that none of the members of the brotherhood had.

He saw the wild in her eyes as she mounted a horse. Another trait about her that was admirable. She wasn't entirely predictable and when in trusted company she allowed her emotions to show in her eyes. She trusted him. It became apparent he trusted her. Instead of mounting a different steed, he landed behind her on the one she had chosen and gave the beast a tap on the rump before making sure she had hold of the reigns.

The beast was startled but after a moment began to move his hooves into a quick trot away from the stables and the city. The beast followed the well traveled dirt pathway until it was guided off the trail onto the vast grassland that surrounded them.

The gentle valley made it easier for the beast to carry the two of them without becoming too labored. They came to a stop when the grassland valley met the beginnings of a mountain and a pond of fresh water formed at the base from the winter snow turned to spring run off.

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