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Chrome: hey senku

Senku: yes

Chrome: i have a proposition

Senku: about

Chrome: two words

Kohaku: ...

Gen: ...

Senku: well say them idiot

Chrome: oh yeah
Chrome: prank wars

Kohaku: chrome this isn't smart-

Kinro: senku made you smell gross for a good month-

Ginro: i'm placing my bet on senku

Senku: sure chrome >:)

Gen: i taught him that^

Senku: hi gen <3

Gen: and that^
Gen: hi senku-chan <3

Chrome: so we're doing this senku?

Senku: sure
Senku: i mean i have gen on my side and he is a mentalist soooo
Senku: you're going down >:D

Gen: aww senku-channn~

Chrome: wait so we can get help?

Senku: chrome you're the one who thought of this

Chrome: oh yeah
Chrome: well
Chrome: yeah we can get help!

Senku: is this gonna be a science prank war or...?

Chrome: uh duh

Senku: ok so whore you going to get help from?
Senku: WHO'RE*

Ukyo: wh o r e

Ryusui: W H O R E

Senku: stop stop stoppp

Suika: whore

Francois: sUiKa sToP

Senku: leave me aloneee :,(

Gen: aww senku-chan it's okay

Senku: :,)
Senku: WHO ARE you going to get help from chrome

Chrome: uhhh

Senku: cuz last i checked only you, gen, and i are able to do chemistry

Gen: even though i'm not good at it

Senku: gen, i love you, but if you ever say anything bad about yourself again i will not hesitate to kiss you >:(

Gen: okay senku-chan :,)

Chrome: taiju and yuzuriha were depetrified when there was school right? they should know some science

Ukyo: wow ok i totally wasn't around with school

Ryusui: yeah me either

Gen: oh be quiet, you two share a brain cell

Taiju: uhh about that...

Senku: you see chrome, taiju isn't the brightest

Taiju: but i am the mightiest!!!!!!1!1!!11!!!!!1!

Yuzuriha: i remember some science

Chrome: !!!

Yuzuriha: but i only remember solids, liquids, and gases... science wasn't my fav...
Yuzuriha: yeahhh i won't be any help to you

Senku: you still wanna do this chrome? >:)

Chrome: uhh uhh uhh
Chrome: yes i challenge you

Senku: okayyy

Kohaku: what have you done

Kinro: i can't believe this

Ginro: go senku go!

Chrome: be ready senku
Chrome: i'm gonna use everything i remember from the processes of every invention you ever made

Senku: i still know more though >:)

Gen: senku-chan you're so cute when you use emoticons <3

Senku: nah you're cuter <3

Ukyo: nah i'm cuter but go off i guess

prank warsss >:D

i have a few pranks in mind, but feel free to suggest what kind of pranks you would like to see~

-bee <3

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