Chapter 1

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Dylan's POV:

"Dylan,~~ I made pancakes for you!~~" Someone sings to me from downstairs, mostly trying for me to awake up. But as usual I try to ignore them and go back to sleep. I feel something heavy jump on me and I jump up knocking my head against something hard.

"Oww! Mommy! Dylan made me hit my head, with hers!" My little brother screams bloody murder, making me put my hands on my ears.

"Louis, please don't cry I'm sorry. You just scared me. You want some candy?" He nods his head. "Okay, I'll get you candy." I wipe his tears away and tell him to leave.

Six minutes and two less lollipops in my candy jar, Louis finally leaves and I'm left to shower. After showering, I brush my curly untamed brown ratty hair. Putting some basketball shorts on and a random t-shirt, I tug on my pumas and tie them. Hopping down the stairs I see my mom making breakfast, dad is reading the sports section, and Louis is playing with some hot wheels on the floor.

"Grab your bag, eat your breakfast, then hit the road joe."

"Oh good morning to you too dad, and no thank you ill just take an apple. And my names not joe!" I tell them.

"But I made you pancakes for you." My mom pouts, yes I said pouts.

"Sorry I don't want anything sweet in the morning unless its donuts. Y'all already know this." My dad gasps.

"Did hear that honey? She turned down your pancakes for- for an a-apple!" He acts surprised but laughs and little wrinkles show by his eyes and mouth. I shake my head and grab my bag from the floor and ruffle Louis's blondish-brownish hair, and tell them by. I rush out of the house and cross the street, and knock on my best friends front door.

So you probably think that I'm this little rich girl that has everything that I want? And that I'm spoilt? And I have a great life? I have all these amazing friends? That I have the latest trends of clothes and the newest iPhone? Yeah well if you do, then your completely and totally wrong.

You see, I live in a tiny, and I mean TINY, town called Carlo Tina, Texas.
Yeah town not city, but you know what I like our tiny town. No, scratch that. I like our neighborhood, the most amazing people live here. like across the street lives my best-friend Courtney Stults and her family. Her dad works as a architect and her mother gets sick really easily so she stays home and keeps their house clean and Courtney is an only child.

Then there's the Adam's family, no not the vampire family that's on tv, but the sweet old little lady that only has her husband by her side. Mr. Adam's has a very bad heart problem and his wife has been with him though everything. they've been together for 68 years, long time huh? But his health got really bad so they put him in a nursing home, just in case anything happened. Their pretty much my grandparents. I mean I don't really have grandparents, my moms parents died before I was one and a half but I don't remember them. And then my dads parents didn't approve of my dad marring my mom so they disowned him, but he doesn't really cared cause he never liked them. But I never asked so I don't know why.

Then there's the Steven's, easy-go mom, hard working dad and then there's Ethan, Courtney boyfriend, and his stuck up little sister, Tilly. Me and Courtney neither like her. I've only had one boyfriend before but it only lasted a couple months, he was a jerk anyways. There's more but we hardly talk to them because their rich stuck-up people.

"Hi, is Courtney still home?" I ask whosever at the door, looking down at my new IPhone 6...Just kidding! Its my cheap flip phone.

"Well if you would stop texting and look up, you'd see that she was home, dipstick!" I look up to see Mr.Stults step beside the door ushering me in their home. If you thought he was being rude, he wasn't. That's just how he is. I step inside.

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