Chapter 7

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Jason's POV:

After a couple of more minutes of talking, well she was talking; I was writing, anyways it got quiet for a while until she asked me the question I was hoping she wouldn't ask.

"So.. Jason um. Am I allowed to leave or are you going to trap me here?" I start writing.

"I wouldn't call it trapping, that sounds a bit harsh. But no, you cant leave."

"I actually can leave cause the doors right over there but I would need of your service, if I do. So, your going to make me stay down here while they have all the fun?"

"You call THAT fun? Drinking and smoking and sex?"

"Well no, fun for me is, putting my feet in the lake and singing songs around the campfire. Oh! And making S'more's! Maybe some truth or dare too!"

"What are S'more's?" After I finish the question, she looks at me with huge eyes and her mouth wide open. I continue to look at her, wondering what she is going to do next and waiting for her answer. Did I say something wrong? Or is she just being overly dramatic? Because I honesty don't know what S'more's are. When I was a boy I had heard multiple of the kids saying something about S'more's but I never really had friends so I still don't have a clue till this day what they are.

"Are you kidding me?!" She screeches in my face, making me back up a little bit. I shake my head, nudging her to explain what they are to me. I can now see that I have hit a sore part of her personality.

"Smore's are the most delicious treat like in the world besides Lay's Dill Pickle Chips. So you get one piece of a ghram cracker, then you get a piece of chocolate but I get two. So then you get a marsh mellow and stick it on a stick or a clothes hanger, then you simply hang the mellow over the camp fire till you get it as burnt or not burnt as you want it. Next, you scrape the mellow onto your cracker and then SMACK the other cracker on top then you dig in! Its so good! If you help me to my feet and out of here, I could make you one! You'd never want to eat anything else."

"Tempting but, no. Your staying here with me." I write.

"I'll come back. I promise! A-And you can come with me as well. Meet my uh, friends?"

'Oh, just let her go, Jason! She's giving mother a headache. Even though I don't have a head. That girl is talented.' I chuckle at my mother and nod my head at Dylan.

"You'll let me go? Yas!" She screams and tries to hug me because of the hand-cuffs. I take them off her and help her stand. I throw open the lairs' door without hurting her and walk her back to her(my) cabin. She hisses most of the way there, but in her condition I would have too. Throwing the screen door open, she slowly walks towards to bedroom closing the door. I sit on the couch and turn the old TV on and start to watch My Little Pony.

After a couple of minutes, I hear a bang come from the room Dylan's in. I knock on the door, saying I'm coming in, I slowly peek my head inside and chuckle at the sight in front of me. Since Dylan's shirt was ripped up from the tree bark, she was trying to get a clean one on and somehow got one of her arms stuck in the whole where her head goes. I gently take her arm, her body tenses when my hand touches her arm. She hisses a bit when I move it into the right sleeve. After straightening her shirt out, she turns to me and whispers a 'thank you', I see a hint of pink on the top of her cheeks. She walks into the bathroom and closes the door, separating us again. I smile under my mask and walk back into the living room and continue watching the show.

Dylan's POV:

I'm blushing so hard right now! I can't believe that happened! I'm so embarrassed! I didn't really want to go outside and run into Neil again, even though I have Jason now so I decided to change my shirt. Since it was already ripped in multiple place, I just threw it in my dirty clothes hamper. I mean I can still wear it, just around the house though. Anyways, as I was getting my shirt on, my back started to sting again. I tried to take my arm out of the wrong hole I put it in, but every time I moved, my bandages would rub against my cuts, making my back scream in pain. I feel a warm hand wrap its fingers around my wrist, pushing my hand back in my shirt and then right back out and into the right hole its suppose to be in. At first, I thought it was Neil but then smelt the smell of pine.

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