Chapter 9

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Dylan's POV


"He sounds hideous to me." Scott's 'girlfriend', Jayce said, looking at her nails, while I stare at her in unbelief.

"I'm sorry but were you dropped on your head as an infant or were you just born stupid? He can't help he was born like that. How would you feel if everyone picked on you for your looks? Oh my bad, I forgot. You don't have a heart." She scoffed in return.

"Nobody would ever say something bad about me. I'm perfect."  I couldn't help but laugh.

"She's delusional!" I look over at Courtney, seeing her giggling I know she hasn't turned fully against me yet.

"Back to the topic of Jason Voorhees. The story is supposedly true." Brad says with the flashlight up to his face, making him 'scary'.

"ooOOOooOOOOO!-*bonk* OW! What the?!"

"Dude, shut up, no one cares. Its not even scary" Scott says, slouching in his chair with his arm around Jayce while his other holds a beer.

"Wait, if the story is true then why did you bring me here!?" She stands shouting at Scott, who looks like he couldn't careless. He chuckles and takes another swig of his beer.

"It's not like the story is actually true, babe. Plus, If it is true I was going to dump you tomorrow anyways." He says with a no care in the world, looking into the fire pit. She starts crying and runs towards her cabin. Suddenly Neil stands up and starts to get in Scott's face.

"That was wrong, bro! I know she can be whiny at times but that was uncalled for, bro!" And then Scott stands up.

"Listen here bro! Mine and her relationship doesn't include you or your thoughts, so you can just. Back. Off. Bro!" Scott steps forward and pushes Neil back by his shoulders. I can't help but look and the little guy under both of them. Brad bravely stand between the two, trying to separate them.

"Bros'... chillax.."

"SHUT UP BRO!" Neil and Scott yell at the same time. I laugh and look at over at Jason, pointing at them, only to realize he's not there anymore. Whaa? Where'd he go? He was honestly just here not even a minute ago. Maybe he grew wings and flew away. I really need to stop watching My Little Pony.

Interrupting my thoughts, I hear a big thud hit the ground and high pitch screaming flooded my ears.


It's just a little update. I know.

Ugh.. I've lost interest in this book... much writers block....

Tell me if y'all actually like it....I've been thinking of writing Horror Boyfriend Imagines or Preferences because they are a bit easier but also really fun to write... Tell me what y'all think! It's really appreciated🤔😊👌🏼

Hope y'all are have a wonderful Christmas!

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