Chapter 6

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Jason's POV:

That little twig! I can't believe what he said to the poor girl. She didn't even do anything to him. I've made it official, he's going to be the one who dies first. Oh, i'd love to see his horrid face when my machete goes through his body. I could just kill him right now. But I've got things I've got to do first.

Walking to the girl, crouching, I examining her arms. They only had a little bit of cuts, from the tree bark. Looking at her neck, which was fine, then picking her of the ground, feeling something wet on my forearms. I shake it off and continue walking.

Hopefully no one sees me. What am I talking about? These people are idiots. They couldn't spot me if they had binoculars. Sometimes I worry about the human race. I say human because well, I've came back alive. I'm not sure how many times though. I'm not saying I can't be killed but with me, I'm not that easy to kill. I've been stabbed in numerous places, numerous times and have still lived. I've been stabbed in the eye by a women with a pen.

Man, I hated her.

At least I didn't get ink poisoning in my eye and of course I've drowned but everyone knows that. Then when I lost a poker game to Freddy(yes, he's real), we fought and I was exploded into the air by dynamite and was hit in numerous places by hard, rusty metal. I didn't need a shot. I rest my case.

Coming back to reality, I shove open the door to my 'lair'( it's actually an underground basement-thingy). I built it myself. It's concrete floor, concrete walls, it's concrete trap door(that goes more underground), and it's concrete stairs. Practically everything is concrete. Although there's a lot of wooden shelves, closets, the big board thing with holes in it, that you place on a wall and it holds tools. Well, in my case weapons. Then in the corner of the room there's a wooden bed(also made by me) with a squeaky mattress sitting on top. It's pretty dark in here besides the kerosene lamp that's sitting on the table by the bed.

Turning back to the girl, trying to make quiet steps,I place the unconscious girl on the bed. Laying her down on her stomach, I gently tug up her shirt, exposing her bleeding; cut up back. I rush towards the shelves of tools. Throwing and knocking tools out or on the ground, I finally find what I'm looking for.

First aid kit and a pair of handcuffs.

Turning back to the girl, I grab one of her arms and latch one side of the handcuffs to the bed post and the other to her wrist. Making sure it isn't too tight, I rummage through the first aid, finding a medium sided bottle of alcohol. I screw off the lid and gently pour it over her back. She moves a little bit but doesn't wake up. I grab a somewhat clean rag and slowly begin to rub her back, getting the blood to finally stop pouring out. I find a tube of dis-defective medicine, so the cuts don't get infected. Then I grab all the gauze out of the box and wrap or place them neatly on her back. Once I'm done, I huff and lean back on the wall.

Looking back at the girl, I know that she's not a bad person. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. Maybe she won't be like the other good people I've captured. All they've did is scream and cower down when I just walked in the room.

Talk about my feels.

I hope she's different. Now all I have to do is wait. I lean back and snatch off my mask. Drifting off to sleep, I here one of my bells that are underneath the ground, telling me one of the teens are in the wood, goes off. I groan and stand to my feet. Grabbing my machete, I open the door and make my way towards the east side of the lake.


After killing the disgusting weasel, I head back to the lair hoping to get some sleep. He wasn't one of the kids that came with Dylan so that Neil guy is still the first to go.

I didn't really want to go in to detail about the death because all I did was chop his head off. I didn't do anything 'special' for him. Like that one time, I managed to get that naked girl in the sleeping bag and hung it over their fire. I guess you can say I'm proud of that one. I silently laugh at myself and open the door. Seeing the girl is still unconscious, I slide to the floor, retake off my mask and fall into a well needed, deep sleep.


"Your so ugly!"


"What even is that thing?"

A human, just like you.

"Why is it bald?"

I'm actually not quite sure..?

"What's wrong with you?"


"How come it doesn't speak?"

That's easy, why would I want to talk to any of you?

"His father probably left him cause he didn't want to be embarrassed!"



I jolt awake and swing my machete to the closest thing. Realizing I almost chopped the girls' head off and that she's awake, I tug the weapon out of the wood and cover the girls screaming mouth. I nod at her and she's nods back. I slowly lift my hand away from her mouth and sigh.

"Your beautiful..."

I step back for a moment and then feel my mask. Actually my face.

Oh Crap! My face!

I rush, looking at the side table for my mask but it's gone.

"Are you looking for this?" The girl that's still laying on her stomach, hands me my mask. Before I can grab it she lays on it.

"Are you going to put it on?" I nod my head frequently.

"Then you can't have it." She states putting more pressure to it, under her stomach. I huff and sit back on the ground.

"Soooo......Who are you? If you don't mind me asking." She nods off.

I restand and walk towards the shelves of wood containing tools and grab a notebook and pencil. Sitting back down, I write my name then hand it to her.

"Hmm? Jason." She says, trying out my name. "I like it." She states and smiles at me where I remain emotionless. I would have smiled but the last person got on my good side and when I wasn't looking, I lost her. Then I killed her cause I couldn't let her go, obviously. She hands me back the note pad and stares at me.

"So, where am I at exactly?" She looks around the room, examining every thing she could see without turning her back. "My lair." I write down. She chuckles and tries to sit up. I slowly stand up and help her sit up without hurting her back or pulling her wrist, that is cuffed to the bed.

I see my mask but leave it. I haven't felt this comfortable around anyone in a long time. Especially, with my mask off. "Are you hurting any where?" I write down.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. Thanks to you." She smiles at me.

'No problem. I mean I couldn't leave you in the middle of the woods with blood gushing out of your back, now could I?'

"Well, physically you could have left me and walked away. But I'm glad you didn't." She's weird. I like her.

I start to laugh silently, resulting my up and down shoulders. She starts to laugh but has a weird look, like she doesn't know what she's laughing at. Which makes me laugh even harder.

I can tell we're going to have a great relationship.

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