"Shut up, Cardo. Atleast he gets some action.", you replied and immediately regretted what you had said.

Cardo raised his arms up making a 'wo ho ho' sound. Some of the other Knights laughed quietly while Kylo just stared at you in utter disbelief. His eyebrows were raised so far up, that if he'd raise them any further they'd leave his face.

You groaned loudly and hid your tomato coloured face inside your hands, leaning forward, "Well fuck me."

That had ALSO been an incredibly bad choice of words. Arguably worse than what you had said before. You were an absolute genius today, weren't you?

"No thanks, I don't want Kylo to force choke ME. Ouch! Hey! Don't hit me, Trudgen!", Cardo quickly moved away and hid behind Ap'lek.

"Yes, you two, save that for your own private time.", Ushar replied and laughed. You were still hiding your face, not daring to uncover it.

"I'll not talk to any of you ever again.", you said, your voice muffled by your hands.

"It's fine...we read your medical report. We didn't understand most but it did say 'confusion' and 'disorientation' on there more than just once.", Ap'lek said, his voice still amused.

"Which still makes you more intellectually capable than Trudgen.", Kuruk added.

"Now that is really not hard.", Cardo threw in.

"Unlik-", Ushar stopped himself and Cardo patted his shoulder.

"I have taught you well, Padawan."

"Get your filthy hands off of me. Ugh look at that, I have some weapon oil on my armour!"

"The drawer to your right, the lowest one. There's some tissues in there, you can clean yourself off.", you told him and shook your head at their constant fighting. They were amusing, you had to give them that but also...annoying as FUCK sometimes.

"Thank you, Miss.", Ushar started wiping away the tiny bit of oil that Cardo had left on his shoulder. If you would not have known about it you would not have seen the tiny spot. You doubted that it was different for anyone else.

"You have seen that she is alive. Now leave."

The Knights mumbled some 'goodbyes' and 'get well soons', then scuried off like a bunch of kindergarteners. Kylo waited until the doors closed behind them until he spoke again.

"Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you, Sir.", you didn't want to look at him. Still embarrassed about the comment you had made.

"I'll get you something to eat.", he left the med bay before you could protest.

You shook your head. That had been...an adventure. What...what the fuck had you been thinking? Not at all apparently. Why did you just...say that?! Atleast you now had something else to worry about other than the deaths of your comrades...embarrassing the Supreme Leader. How great. Couldn't you just leave your mouth shut for once? Just once?

The doors opened but it wasn't Kylo entering. It was an even lovelier face that you had missed more than anyone else's in the past month. You'd recognize that dirty orange and pale white anywhere.

"General Hux! It is lovely to see you!", you said with the most cheerful attitude.

"MD-2442. How come whenever I see you, you are hurt?"

Was he mocking you? Where was Kylo when you needed him?

"I have an incredibly bad sense of self preservation, Sir."

All the Way (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now