Chapter 49 - I've lost your frequency

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"Not again..." Chatora glanced at the fight, "He's pissed... at this point, he's fighting on pure adrenaline. Eraser, let's go. Keep your eyes on Magne."

Sako hissed, before he leapt at the boy, both of his hands outstretched, ready to encapsulate him, but Midoriya easily grabbed one of his hands, snapping his wrist, before clamping his jaws down on his other arm, and drove his knee into Sako's stomach, kicking the villain away.

Sako was pretty sure that something was broken, as he tumbled away.

Tensei activated his quirk, and rushed at Shigaraki, but Iguchi dashed in, intercepting the Turbo Hero. Iguchi hissed, "Knock me out and get the kid out of here."

"What?" Tensei blinked, confused.

"Stupid heroes, Look, Ingenium, I'm not going to hurt you too bad." Iguchi drew a knife, but Tensei grabbed his arm, "Shigaraki and the others fucked him up real bad, and honestly, I'm not sure how the fuck he's still standing. The kid's amazing, he deserves better. Just knock me out and go defeat the others, dammit."

Tensei gaped. One villain actually liked and respected Midoriya enough that he was willing to go behind Shigaraki's back?

"Thank you." Tensei gave a small nod, and Iguchi gave a small smirk, "You're one hell of a guy. No wonder Void told Stain to spare you."

Tensei processed Iguchi's words as he drove his knee into Iguchi's gut, the villain making no move to defend himself. He easily knocked the lizard man out, and Tensei straightened up, as a portal opened up and instantly sucked the unconscious Iguchi in.

Tensei made no move to stop him, and silently thanked the villain once more.


Dabi blasted some fire at Hakamata, but Sakamata ran in and dispelled the fire with a hypersonic wave. The scarred villain jumped down from the pile of rubble, blasting more fire at the heroes, only for the Killer Whale Hero to dispel the flames again.

Though, oddly enough, while fire would be effective again Nishiya's Wood quirk and the five students he was currently holding back, Dabi made no move in their direction at all.

"Hey there, little fishy." Dabi smirked, coming in close, "Get the kid."

"And leave my comrades at your mercy?" Sakamata growled, "I think not."

"Look, those kids tried to save Void..." Dabi snapped, dodging an attack, "So I don't want to hurt them. Or Void. If it makes you feel better, just hit me with that stupid wave thing and take me out of the fight. Just save the damn kid."

Sakamata narrowed his eyes in disbelief; he knew that his hypersonic waves could dispel Dabi's fire, but the same went for the reverse; Dabi's fire easily disrupted the air molecules, so his hypersonic waves couldn't travel through the air properly. He still fired it off though, and much to his surprise, Dabi didn't do anything and let himself get hit by the attack, blasting him back and disorientating the villain.

Hakamata immediately restrained Dabi, and yelled, "Orca, go. Kamui, get the students out of here! I'll cover the for you. Also, get the ambulance as close as possible!"

Nishiya nodded, running towards the evacuation perimeter with the five students in his grasp.

"Let us go!" Shinsou growled, but Nishiya merely replied, "No. You're going to rush in and try to help Midoriya, but the heroes got it covered. I understand how you feel, okay? I was at that attack on your school. And trust me, you guys aren't supposed to be here. If a hero like Endeavor were to catch wind of your involvement... it wouldn't be good."

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