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A/N - I can't believe we are already at chapter 15, it seems like only yesterday I was writing chapter 5.

Droplets of shiny crimson fell to the floor, staining it with a dark circle. Mikasa turned her head slightly, the searing pain in her tongue forcing tears to brim in the corner of her eyes.

"You need some help..?" The man asked. Detective Clay. "Of course just as I'm assigned to watch you, you go get yourself hurt, makin' my job even more grueling than it has to be!" He ended it with a chuckle, crouching down to Mikasa's level.


"'Cmon, lets see what we can do for that poor little tongue of yours." He opened the cell door swiftly, it crashing to the other side. He held out his hand for Mikasa, a warm smile obvious on his features. Mikasa grabbed his hand with her own, bloody one. He hoisted her up to her feet.

"Are you going to put the cuffs on me?"

"Nah, we're just going to get you to the infirmary... that quite a lot of blood." Clay lead Mikasa around a few corners and eventually into a relatively large room, a small bed in one corner, cabinets and draws shielding the opposite wall. "Just take a seat there and I'll get you something for the pain."

"But, I'm not in much pain." Clay sighed, turning to face Mikasa. His carefree smile was now replaced with a serious one, his composure had entirely changed.

"I'm sure you know, we were discussing your punishment the other day."

"You were?"

"And I wanted to tell you what you're probably going to receive. It's not definite, we would have to wait for all of the court dating and stuff..."

"Just get to the point... please."

"You're going to have to do six months of community service, apparently you will be allowed home and attend school during that time. Erm... but you need someone with you at all times, like your brother for example." Eren couldn't handle me...

"Why was Annie here?" She eventually blurted out, playing with her thumb as Detective Clay continued rummaging around in the cupboards.



"As far as I know she was giving a statement about what happened. I think your brother and that other girl will have to as well. I'm not really sure what procedure is in this situation. You're a pretty rare case, for me at least."

"Right, I hope I am." Detective Clay brought down a packet of wet wipes and began carefully cleaning away the blood falling from Mikasa's mouth. "I can do it myself, thank you."

"Right." Mikasa took the cloth and began cleaning her face, the wipe almost immediately being stained crimson. "You want a painkiller?"

"I'm fine." Clay hummed, leaning against the counter, folding his arms and watching her. "Um, will I have to go to court and meet Reiner's parents..? I don't think I can..."

"No, I think because of what happened to you all we'll do is take the witness reports and gather in one room and discuss what will happen." Mikasa nodded, as she did so, more blood fell out of the mouth.


"I think we're having the meeting tomorrow, you'll probably be discharged home by then." Mikasa hummed, holding her head down. "Oh! That reminds me, we need you in an interview room."


"Just need to ask you a few questions."

"Can't we do that here? And I thought you had all the information you needed?"

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