Chapter 1

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"Please," she gasped. A string of blood an saliva dripped from her mouth. "Stop! I'm sorry." Her hands raised over her crouched body.

"I was arrested because of you!" the man a over her screamed. Kim sobbed. "you ruined me, you whore!"

Kim braced herself for more abuse, eyes shut tight and jaw clenched. But, the pain never came. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't.
'He killed me and I felt nothing...' she thought. She waited for something to happen but her world stayed dark.

'Must be hell or something.' she chuckled 'Never thought I'd end up anywhere else.'

Time passed and she slipped in and out of consciousness. Never fulling grasping what was happening or any sort of time passage.

A loud snap brought her back from the darkness. Finally waking up in the last light of the sun. Instinctively, she kept her arms raised and slowly raised her head. She expected to see the angry form that had been there last she looked.

"You're safe now." A gentle voice said from behind her. She flinched an turned.

"Mr. Shishio." She whispered.

"It's been 3,700 years since the petrification. The year is now 5739. Civilization has fallen an the Earth has returned to her former glory."

Kim paused and looked around. She was surrounded by green. And even though the sun was setting, the leaves were vibrant. She looked upward and gasped. The starts that had begun to show were stunning, like nothing she had seen before.

" Here, Kim. " she looked back at Tsukasa, but it was another man that was draping a leather skin over her shoulders. She smiled.

"Gen? How...?" He held up an had.

"Later. Come on." She stood with his help. Only then realizing her lack of clothes. She wrapped the skin around her an followed the two.
Over time Kim had earned her place in Tsukasa's 'empire', as he called it. As he had said, he found an chose to revive her since she had been a nurse before the green light.

"A student still." She'd remind him.

Only 24 when everything stopped, she had been doing a roataion in the Pediatric wing when she had met Tsukasa. He'd visit his sister at least once a week. He'd always been polite an soft spoken when they'd talk. And even more so when he'd talk to his sister about what was going on in his life.

Tsukasa would have her in the 'Throne Room', as she called it, when they would discuss the issues with the Kingdom of Science. She was there when he sent Gen out to take a look an see if Senku was still alive.

She had to chuckle when she was finally filled in on that. Of course her nerdy, little neighbor would cause trouble. But, if Tsukasa was worried that he was still alive after ending his life as he did. Could he really be alive?

"Kim!" Someone shouted. She raced out of her little cave she called home an towards the voice. "It's Shouto. He broke his arm, I think." The man talking was holding up his friend. A boy, really by his looks. He was cradling his arm.

"Let me see." She stepped forward an examined it. "Good news is that it's not broken." she smiled at him. "But, you dislocated your shoulder." She grasped his shoulder an elbow. "Deep breath, this is gonna hurt like a bitch."  She rotated his arm until a solid pop was heard. Shouto grunted in pain, tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.
"Make sure you put that arm in a sling an don't overuse it for at least, two weeks. Come see me in a few days an I'll check on it again." Shouto nodded. "How'd you go an fuck your arm up, anyway?"

"I fell out of a tree." he said quietly, clearly embarrassed. Kim rolled her eyes.

"Dumbshit. Bet you won't go an do that again." He nodded. "Go get some rest an eat." She waved them away, then sat on the ground.
She watched people work an chat. If she knew Senku as well as she thought she did, he'd be totally against Tsukasa's plan to only revive the young an 'pure-hearted'. Though she did agree with both of their ideals, there was no way to tell if someone was 'pure-hearted'. Even the sweetest looking person had their own dark demons. Yet, they couldn't go around bringing everyone back.
The criminals, abusers, drug addicts an money hungry people had no place in this world now. They would only cause mayhem.
She'd seen first hand, working with the ER the dredge of humankind. The horrors people had caused to their own family an friends. But, also, she had seen the wonderful people who did nothing but help. There had to be a way they could filter out who could an couldn't be revived.

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