Chapter 15

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A few days had passed since Ryusui had joined their camp. Senku's lab and sleeping/storage hut was finished, as well as a few others. Ryusui had begun to hand print money thanks to a young boy who said he could draw. The poor kid was stamping paper all day.

Kim left her home after spending a few hours writing and headed to the clinic. All construction had stopped. The walls were up, windows an doors were blocked an ready to be fitted. The roof needed to be thatched and the floors layed out. She stood with her hands on her hips, trying to keep calm.

She looked around and spotted Magma.

"Oi!" She called out before walking up to him.

"What?" He said harshly. She looked him up and down.

"Jesus, you're an absolute unit." She cleared her throat. "Have you seen Carbo or Titan?"

"Why would I know where they are?" He shook his head.

"Asked if you had seen them... Never mind." She sighed. "See ya." she waved her hand before turning to leave.

"Saw that new guy, Ryusui, talking to them." He said lazily. Her brows furrowed. She popped her lips and nodded.

"Thanks, Magma. Know where he's staying?"

"Probably up in the building there." He pointed behind her. "Should have looked before asking stupid questions."

"Thanks, jackass."


"How, the fuck, did I not noticed this fucking thing?" She muttered as she hiked up to the top of the caves. She cursed Ryusui. That greedy... Boy, took her builder's for his stupid hilltop mansion bullshit.

Her clinic was far more important that him needing to show off his past wealth. They were all the same now, no need to bring up how much you use to be worth. He's flexing, as men usually do. So infuriating.

She heaved herself up over the last ledge. She gazed at his mansion, and shook her head. Anger flashed through her veins.

Kim stalked into the main room.

"RYUSUI!!!!" She yelled. He was sitting in a fairly ornate chair along the back half of the room,surrounded by stacks of cash and a pretty village girl he had fanning him. Off to the side was Suika and Mirai, they had set up a cotton candy and ramen booth.

At the sound of her voice, everyone jumped. Ryusui was the first to recollect himself.

"Kimberly! What a plesent surprise!" He stood, welcoming her with his famous smile.

"Don't get cheeky with me." She snarled.  Her frustration getting the best of her. "You deliberaly stopped construction of the clinic for this monstrosity. How fucking dare you."

"I did no such thing." He feigned ignorance. "I simply saw Carbo and Titan's wonderful craftsmanship and asked for their expertise on my new home. After they were done with your clinic, of course.

" But, I did offer to pay them handsomely if they could do it quickly. It was their own desicion to do so." He smirked.

"You bribed them. That clinic needs to be done asap."

"It doesn't seem to be need." He said flippantly. She glared at him, anger coming off her in waves.

"Oh, it's needed now, once I put you in the fucking dirt." She threatened.

"Now, there's no need to be that way." He held up his hands, but spoke easily.
"Now that this is all done, for now, they have all the time in the world to finish up the clinic."

Rhythmically Inclined Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora