Chapter: 19

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Thanksgiving break, Dan and I took a road trip to see my brother. We called ahead of time to make sure it was a good idea for today. Cox and I decided to have our date night tomorrow night since rodeo season is over for the winter. I had a long conversation with him about it and if he thought it was a good idea.

He said to try it. We found a parking spot and got out. "I don't know how he will react to us coming. They said he was having a good day so far when I called." Dan said. We entered and were given visitors passes. They said they had kitchens in the apartments they were in, so we cooked yesterday and are bringing it to share with him today.

They had to check the backpack I had since I'm on crutches. Once through, Dan led the way to his apartment. He knocked. Justin opened the door and looked surprised. He let us in and closed the door. It didn't have a lock. He offered us a seat. Instead Dan and I stayed standing. "How have you been?" Dan asked.

"Alright. I haven't had an outburst in almost a month." He said. "I miss you." I told him. He sighed. "I do too. I hate how I got after what happened. I want to get back home." He said. He sat down. I balanced on my left foot and took the backpack off. I unzipped it and started pulling dishes out. "Brought you some food." Dan said.

"Don't need it." Justin said. "You may like how it was made." I told him. He got up. "We just need to warm it up before eating it." Dan said. "You know it always tastes better reheated." I said. Justin came over and peered over my shoulder. Dan asked him to help since I was out of commission for a few months. "What did you do?" Justin asked.

"Got hit by a truck. Was with a friend Saturday and we were about to get onto the highway when a truck hit us on my side. Went unconscious and was out for about six hours before I came to. Then was woken up every thirty minutes until I finally was awake normally for a full twenty four hours." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "You probably would have been called if you weren't here." I said. "Well. I should be out by February." He said. "I will probably be near a brace by then." I said. "I hope. How did the rodeo season go?" He asked. "Got to regionals. It starts up with regionals in March." I said. "I'll hopefully get to watch." He said.

"Wish we could go to Houston." I said. "Not this year." He said. "I know." We finished warming up the food and ate together for the first time since the accident. "So I hear that you have a boyfriend." Justin said. "I've met him. He's nothing like the guys at Joshua." Dan said.

"Is he a new guy?" Justin asked. "No. He goes to a different high school." I answered. "Which one?" He asked. "One you probably would lose your temper over. I would rather you meet him before judging him." I said. "I've seen an improvement in her being happy since they started dating." Dan said.

"If your happy, I don't care right now." Justin said. We finished dinner in silence. My phone buzzed as I stood up. I pulled it out of my pocket. 'Hope you had a great day. See you tomorrow.' -C

I stretched for a second before going to the couch. Both of them got up too. Justin took my plate. "Do you have a roommate?" Dan asked. "No. Not yet. It may be the last week I'm here that I might." Justin said. We sat around and talked for a good two to three hours before Dan and I had to head home.

He was quiet the whole time we were in the truck. As soon as we got home, my phone started ringing. "Hey what's wrong?" "Nothing. I just need to get out of the house... for the whole night." Cox said. "Ok. I can probably work something out with Dan and let you stay the night." I said.

"Don't. I'll find some other place." He said. "Actually I know a place where we don't have to even ask to be at. I doubt Dan would mind." I said. He blew air into the phone. "I don't know." He said. "You'll enjoy it." I told him. "Alright. I'll meet you at Rose Thorn." I told him. He hung up before I could say anything else.

I packed an overnight bag and threw as many blankets as I could into my backseat. Then drove to the ranch. I backed in and parked next to the line of storage units for the rodeo people that board their horses here. I went down to our unit and unlocked it. Then lifted the door. I went to the camper door opening it. I made sure everything was still working before bringing the blankets in.

I fixed the bed before getting a text from Cox. 'Where?' -C
'The storage units near the back.' -J
'Ok.' -C

I took what was left in before hooked up the electricity to the outlet. I stepped out when I heard Cox calling for me. "Why are we here?" He asked. I took his hand leading him to the camper and inside. "What?" He asked. I had him sit down on the couch. I sat on his lap. "I'm not in the mood baby." He said.

"Tell me what's wrong." I said. He looked away. "Ok." I said. Then got an idea. "For every bad thing you tell me, I will remove one article of clothing." I told him. He sighed then smirked. "You don't have to do that." He said. "Then tell me what's wrong or I will start stripping." I told him.

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