Chapter: 11

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I decided to keep it a secret from my team to save myself. He doesn't care at all who knows. It Monday. Meeting day. We were sitting in the living room at my house since Dan took the initiative to be the president of our group. The barrel racer on the team took notes from the event.

"Who is going to the next round?" Dan asked her. "Aaron, Jesse for goat tying, breakaway and team roping along with Zeek, Max for chute dogging, Zeek for tie down roping, Mack for saddle broncs and bareback broncs, Aaron and Dan for bulls, that's it." She said. The coach passed the forms to fill out. I filled mine out immediately and paid the fee right away.

We broke apart and I went to the ranch. I didn't care what they did. It may have been my house, but I did not get a chance to take care of my horse today. I got him out, gave him a bath before drying him off and brushing him out. I untangled his mane and tail before making sure he was spotless.

I walked him up and down the drive a few times and rode him a few more. Then stalled him, gave him fresh water and hay before kissing his muzzle and going home. By that time, they all had left. Dan did not care what I did now until midnight. I definitely went to bed early.


Morning hit early. I looked at my phone seeing a goodnight and good morning text from Cox. I sent him a good morning back and explained that I had gone to bed early. 'It's no problem baby. I'll see you tomorrow. I've already got something planned.' -C

I got up out of bed and got dressed for the day. I grabbed my roping ball cap before heading out the door. Zeek met me at the school at my truck. "We definitely need to practice tonight." He said. "I agree. We need to stay ahead of the competition." I said as I slung my backpack on my back. We walked to the front doors.

"What bout that toy?" He asked. "He'll watch from the sidelines." I told him. He shook his head. The whole day was boring. Even the guys teasing and messing around didn't bother me. Dan noticed. He always notices. I finally got up and went to the library. I messaged Cox.

'Are you in class?' -J
'No. Just got to lunch.' -C
'Trying to enjoy my lunch but failing miserably.' -J
'Wish I could be there.' -C
'Me too.' -J
'Ready for tomorrow?' -C
'Yeah.' -J
'What's wrong?' -C
'Nothing.' -J
'I'm sensing that your having a down day.' -C
'☹️' -J
'Do you want to talk instead of text?' -C
'No. My lunch is almost over.' -J
'Where do you find a cow with no legs?' -C
'Don't know.' -J
'Right where you left it.' -C

I smiled at it. He's trying to cheer me up. I finally gave up and called him. "What's bothering you today?" Cox asked. "I don't know. I've been out of it today." I told him. "Do you want to meet up after school?" He asked. "My partner and I are practicing most of the evening and until the arena lights have to be turned on." I told him. "I'll bring you dinner. Send me the address." He said. "He doesn't want you around." I said.

"I don't care. He doesn't have to see me. There is a high chance that you could be seeing more of me after high school is out." He said. I smiled. "I will do my best every single time you sound depressed or sad for the day, week, month, no matter how long, I will stay by you no matter what." He said. I smiled even more.

"I'll see you when I bring you dinner baby. I love you." I couldn't comprehend the 'I love you'. "You don't have to say it back right now." He said. "Ok. I'll see you tonight." I told him. It was a moment before we both hung up. The bell rang indicating the end of lunch. I went to my next class feeling better. At the end of the day, I went straight to the ranch.

I saddled Twister and started warming him up. Zeek got there thirty minutes later. He got his horse out and didn't warm his horse up. I refused to start our practice until he did. We started practicing late. About seven we already had the lights on and Cox still has not came by yet.

I finally had to say we needed to quit for a moment. I rode Twister up the drive trying to cool off. Cox pulled up as we got to the gate. I stopped Twister in the grass while Cox pulled through. "Sorry I'm late baby. Chaz was dragging out practice. I was trying to get here as fast as I could." He said. "It's fine. Zeek and I needed a break." I said.

He handed me my food from Chick-fil-a. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome." He said. I moved Twister to right next to his truck. I ate quickly before handing him the trash. "Stay safe while practicing." He said. "Thank you." I said. He leaned out his window. I leaned over to kiss him. He kissed me before pulling back.

"I'll see you tomorrow baby." He said. "You too." "Five thirty like usual." He said. I smiled. Then backed Twister away from his truck. There are fifteen teams competing this weekend. Five will be cut. Then another five and finally the winners for districts.

Zeek and I practiced for another hour before calling it quits. I cooked Twister off before I saddling and brushing him down. I put him in his stall before giving him water and leaving for the night.

When I got home, I went straight to shower before going to bed. I opened my phone seeing a text from Cox. 'Goodnight baby.' -C

I sent him a goodnight text before plugging it in and going to bed.

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