Chapter: 6

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School could not get over with fast enough. I reapplied makeup at lunch time just to be safe and sat with the juniors on the rodeo team. "Hey Jesse, who's that roper that you keep talking to?" Aaron asked. "He's just a high school roping competitor." I said. "Yeah right." Zeek said. "He's in it to win it just like us." I said.

"Uh huh. And I always win." Zeek said. "Yeah right. You're two peas short of a brain to win." Dexter said. I threw my lunch trash away before getting a text from Cox. 'Miss you.' I smiled. Then went back to the table. I was about to type out a reply when Aaron snatched my phone. "Awe lover boy sent her a text!" Aaron said.

I stole it back and pocketed my phone. I bet he's got buddies the same way. Once I got to my class after lunch I texted him back. 'Miss you too.' He quickly replied. 'Thought you weren't going to message back.' -C
'Buddies took my phone. Waited till I was in class.' -J
'Oh. Smart idea.' -C
'Yeah. They make fun of me and think I'm the whole team's girlfriend.' -J
'I've got a question for you next time I see you.' -C
'Ok. I'll be expecting it.' -J
'Have a good afternoon.' -C
'You too.' -J

I finally put my phone away and started my work. We had a sub today in this class so nothing much was expected. About halfway through Cox started sending me jokes.

'Why Did the Bowlegged Cowboy Get Fired?' -C
'Don't know why?' -J
'Because he couldn't keep his calves together!'-C
'Why Can't The Bankrupt Cowboy Complain?' -C
'No clue.' -J
'He's got no beef!' -C
'😂' -J
'What Sickness Did The Cowboy Get From Riding A Wild Horse?' -C
'I'm going to get in trouble if I laugh out loud!' -J
'Bronc-itis' -C
'🤣' -J

I was trying to hold my laughter in now. A few of the guys on the rodeo team were looking at me now. He somehow wiggled his way into my life and is doing a great job of keeping me distracted. I finally had to ask if I could run to the restroom before I wet my pants from laughing so hard. When I got there, he had sent another one.

'Why Did The Cowboy Get A Lot Of Laughs?' -C
'Don't know. Why?' -J
'Because he's always horsing around!' -C

I finally could laugh out loud. We were horsing around. Over text. So I sent him one back.

'Why did the cowboy not get to compete on Friday?' -J
'Don't know. Why did he not get to compete on Friday?' -C
'Because Friday was retired!' -J
'Oh. Friday is the horse. Real cute Jess 😉' -C

Is it possible that I was falling for him? Yes, he's cute with his blue eyes and dark brown hair. He's never really showed off his body. I don't blame him for it. He might be hiding it for a special time. I got back to class before the bell rang. My afternoon classes went by in a blur. Cox texted asking me if we could meet up at the QuickTrip after school in the very last class.

Said I would be there. Sure enough there he was in the farther back parking than right up front. I parked next to him and got out. "Would you like anything from the store?" He asked. "I'll buy this time since you paid for dinner the other night." I said. "Fine with me." He said. We both got something to snack on before going back to our vehicles. He put his tailgate down and let me sit next to him.

"I couldn't help but think about what happened over our break weekend from rodeo." He said. "Uh oh. Think too hard?" I asked. He smirked. "Not this time. I was thinking more about us." He said. I realized then that I couldn't stop thinking or wondering when we would see each other again. "I would love to take you on an actual date. I know Thursday was unplanned. I want to plan this night and take you somewhere nice." He said.

"Like a real date?" I asked. "Yeah. No fast food or cheap dining. On me." He said. I still seemed a bit skeptical. "I can promise it will be fun." He said. "Where at?" I asked. "Me to know you to find out." He said. "Ok. How does Thursday sound?" I asked. "I can pick you up from your house so you don't have to drive." He said. "And drop me off?" I asked. "What kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't walk you to your door after a date?" He asked.

I chuckled. "I want you to wear this." He said pulling a necklace off. "This should keep guys from hitting on ya." He said as he handed it to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him

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"Are you sure?" I asked him. "Absolutely." He said. "Then keep mine safe." I said taking mine off. I handed it to him. "I couldn't." He said. "It's got my name etched into the back of it. No one will know unless they see the back of it." I said. "You sure?" He asked. "Positive." I told him.

"Then let's not worry about what our friends and family think until we know each other a lot better

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"Then let's not worry about what our friends and family think until we know each other a lot better." He said. "Agree." I said. He walked with me to my truck and opened the door. I got in and went straight home. I absentmindedly played with the pendant around my neck knowing it belonged to the boy who could have stole my heart even more.

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