"Hey, are you finding everything okay?" He asked as he looked down at me. 

"Yeah, I'm just looking right now, thank you." I say looking up at him for a split second and giving him a small smile to be polite, before my face fell back into the normal resting face I usually carry. 

"You know, you should smile more. You are way to pretty to be frowning all the time." He commented leaning against the rack, really close to me. I backed away unconsciously. 

"Well, I don't really care, I'm not trying to impress anyone so." I say walking away from him to a different rack back against the wall, not catching on that I wasn't interested, he followed after me. 

"So what's your name?" He asked, he was standing directly behind me, I could feel his stare boring right into the back of my head.

"Why do you need to know?" I questioned huffing as I placed a piece of clothing in my pile. I moved to a different rack, and of course he followed me. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He questioned again. 

"Yes." I answered simply, moving away from him again. He of course followed after me. 

"Well, where is he?" 

"Somewhere around here. Look, why are you following me? It's a little bit stalkerish of you to do that. I'm not interested in anything, so please leave me alone." I backed away from him and began to walk away. I felt a sharp tug on my arm, his fingers dug into my scar making me hiss out. My heart thumped in my chest as I stared into this guys deep dark, almost black eyes.  

"Because I can tell you this, I'd be a lot more fun than your boyfriend will ever be." He said, his face was red in an almost angry way. 

"I'd suggest you'd let go of her." Katsuki's voice boomed out, I snapped my head towards him. The guys hold completely let go, I quickly made my way over to Katsuki. Stood behind him was another worker, this one was an older female, who had an angry look on her face. 

"You, go in the back and I'll talk to you later. I am so so sorry about him. Did he hurt you?" She asked as she ripped her eyes away from the male worker to look at me as he scoffed and walked into the back. I looked at my arm for a second the only thing present were marks from his nails that ran across the scar on my arm. 

"No. Just made me feel uncomfortable." I say to her, Katsuki placed his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer into him. She sighed. 

"We've had issues with him in the past, we had a talk, he said he would change, but I guess it isn't going to work out. I am so sorry about that." She said talking to us. We ended up getting a discount for all the stuff we bought today, if we bought anything. 

"Are you sure he didn't hurt you?" Katsuki asked, as the lady walked away, he lifted up my arm to look at it himself. 

"I'm fine Katsuki. Just was uncomfortable for the most part." I say quietly as I watched him look over my arm. "Come on, let's go try these clothes on. Then we can go to a different store and forget about what happened. I'm fine I promise." I added, lifting up his head and kissing his lips lightly. "Thank you for being my knight in shining armour." He scoffed lightly and flicked my forehead lightly. We went back into the dressing rooms and got a room for each of us. I tried on some shirts, pants, sweaters. I only like some of them. Katsuki agreed on most of the clothes I tried on, I walked out with the ones I wanted and put the remaining on a rack in the dressing room. We went to the cash out area and checked out, then continued walking through the mall, buying stuff and looking at stuff. Katsuki had bought me a stuffed porcupine, because I said I liked it and it reminded me of him.

          We met up with the group at the front of the mall then headed out for lunch. We went to a diner, and sat at a table. Katsuki talked with the guys about what happened in the store, as Mina and I talked about what we got from the mall. 

"Wait, wait, he bought you a stuffed porcupine, because you said it remind you of him?" Mina questioned chuckling. 

"Yeah." I say laughing lightly, pulling it out of a bag at our feet, it wasn't small, it was a pretty big sized stuff animal. She started laughing and looking at it. 

"Awe it's so cute!" She said through her laughs. "Doesn't really remind me of Bakugo, but, you see him in different way then we do." She added with a shrug. I chuckled and placed it back in the bag. Soon enough we were ordering our food. Our waitress was a girl, and she was flirting with all the guys, they just kind of blew her off of course, besides Kaminari who flirted back, but she seemed more interested in Kirishima and Katsuki. 

"Wow, there's a bunch of horny ass people out today huh?" I questioned looking at Mina, as the waitress walked away. The whole table burst into laughter. "First its me, now Kiri and 'Suki. What's next? A bunch of guys and girls all over Mina, Sero and Kaminari?" Katsuki had his arm wrapped around my chair as a smirk sat on his face, as he chuckled lightly. Everyone was calming down. "Guys, seriously. I'm telling you. We need to hurry up and get out of here, before we get bombarded with people fawning over all of us." I took a sip of my water. 

"Jeez, Kohana. No need to be jealous." Kirishima said chuckling. 

"Jealous over what? There's no one here to be jealous of." I say shrugging. Katsuki pulled my chair closer to his. He kissed to my temple lightly. His hand lightly rubbed my arm. Soon enough the waitress came back with our food. I watched has her face turned red, seeing that Katsuki had his arm around me, as I cuddled into his side. When she put our food down, she made sure that she leaned down far enough to show her cleavage to Katsuki, who paid no mind, he was to busy staring at the food in front of him.

"Can I get you anything else?" She asked staring right at Katsuki, who, still, wasn't paying any mind to her. 

"Nope, we are good thank you." I say with a smile. I heard Kaminari snort, trying to hide his laughter the best he can. She clicked her tongue and walked away with a lot of sass to her. "Well, 'Suki, looks like we might get two people fired today." I say to him. He looked over at me as he slurped up his noodles. I chuckled and we all started eating and talking. 

       After we ate, the waitress never came back to our table we instead got the manager helping us. We started walking back to the dorms. Katsuki insisted that he carried all of our bags, so I let him as I walked next to Mina a little in front of the guys. 

"I can't believe people today." Mina said stretching her arms above her head. 

"I know it's crazy. Everyone has like no shame and don't care. Even when they aren't interested or taken." I say placing my hands in my back pockets. Mina nodded and yawned a little. 

"I think, it's a good call to take a nap when we get back." She said rubbing her eye lightly. I nodded yawning right after her. We got back to the dorms and we went up to our rooms, most of our classmates were out, training, sleeping, eating, or just doing their own thing. Katsuki and I went up to his room, I flopped down on his bed with the stuffed porcupine in my arms, after I changed into a pair of his sweatpants and a tank top. 

"Did you have fun today?" I asked as he lied down next to me. He pulled me closer to him, his arm rested under my head and his other arm wrapped around my waist. 

"Yeah, I did." He mumbled his face nuzzled into my hair, the air conditioning blew over us, cooling us off from the summer heat, my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep, lightly rubbing his arm in a soothing motion.              

Roses and Flames *Bakugo Katsuki* (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now