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"Didn't I tell you to stay away from Haejin? Why are you still picking up on her?" A sharp look was formed on the little boy's face as he pulled the little girl who was crying and hid her behind his back. Then he held his clenched fist together as if he were getting ready for a fight.

The taller boy in front of him did not respond.

"Am I not talking to you? Why aren't you answering? Sure you're taller than me but my dad always told me to stand for what's right! And picking up on my sister is not right!" The taller boy smirked. He walked a few steps closer to haechan and teasingly pushed his left shoulder.

"I'm not answering because I don't do small talks, shortie! How about we just do some fist fights, huh?" The taller boy looked at haechan with his mocking eyes. He even held haechan's collar which made haejin gasp in fear.

"Haechan, let's just go home. Mom will not be happy once you get into a fight again because of me." She said, sniffing. Her eys are swollen red which made haechan even furious.

"Alright, we'll go home... but maybe after I make sure that this brat will stop following you around." He said then swiftly turned around and punched the taller boy in the face. His reflexes are quite fast for a 5 year old and the taller boy wasn't able to dodge.

"Make my sister cry one more time and I won't hesitate to throw hands."

He said as he pulled his little sister away. The little boy's sharp eyes and his impatient attitude are all distinct. Even the way he mocks and acts cocky around people he doesn't like resembles one person.

"Haechan! What was that? Did you just beat someone up again?"

"He just did, and it's even someone taller than him." Wooseok whispered as he looks away. But then, yuri stomped on his feet, making him crunch in pain.

"Shut up, Wooseok. You're giving your son the consent to beat someone!" Yuri sounded concerned and protective just like the usual mom's instinct.

"But mom, they were bullying haejin and I won't let that happen. I'm gonna protect my sister as long as I can..." Haechan said, trying to explain. His eyes looked apologetic and sincere which melted yuri's heart right away. Wooseok, on the other hand, smiled timidly.

"I witnessed it all. But your feisty dad right here doesn't want me to interfere..."

"Baby, your son did the right thing. We won't be around them all the time and its best if they learn how to stand up for themselves." Wooseok explained. He intertwined his fingers into hers as he whispered right through her ears. His soft voice trailed which made yuri heave out a sigh.

They both stared at the two beautiful children standing right infront of them. Its been seven years since everything happened but they are doing fine right now. Business is good, their family is coping up.

"Uhm, I was just wondering... when was the last time you heard from hangyul? Coz we never really talked after that incident with--"

"--Saeron happened..."

Wooseok cut her off and finished her sentence. Yuri never heard from hangyul since then and ofcourse, she's a bit worried. After all, hangyul has been a very good friend to her.

"I actually call him once in a while. And oh, he calls me too. He's doing good. Maybe sometime soon, he'll reach out to you and to others."

Wooseok took out his phone and showed his call history with Yuri. She felt relieved upon seeing his husband still intouch with hangyul after all these years.

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