Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Chapter 3:

Sophie's POV:

I sit in the drivers seat, my hands on the steering wheel as we come closer and closer to Sydney airport. My heart beats faster and faster, just the thought of holding Logan in my arms for the first time in two weeks makes the smile on my face grow. The thoughts of his little smile that makes the whole world brighter making my nerves grow stronger.

Logan's dad is flying over with him, normally he would be on the next plane back to LA but this time was different to every other one. This time he has business here to my displeasure, I know he will want to spend some time with Logan everyday single day for as long as he is here.

I pull into the parking lot, grabbing my phone and purse shoving them into the pockets of my black skinny jeans. I lock my newly upgraded black commodore with heavily tinted windows, shoving the keys in my pocket, walking to the back of my car where my breath taking fiancé stands waiting for me. I take her hand in mine, entwining our fingers, letting her lead me through the doors of the airport, with every step coming closer and closer to the little boy I have grown to love as my own.

"Why are you so nervous Soph?" She asks, her eyes focusing on me and her curiosity burning right through.

"I'm just excited to see him. I really hope he likes living over here with us baby," I smile awkwardly, not convincing myself or even Brooklyn.

She kisses my temple, our eyes finally finding the figure of Brooklyn's ex-husband hold their little boy Logan. He smiles at Brooklyn, it is always clear he is still in love with MY fiancé. He sends me a dead glare, something that Brooklyn will never see but there is nothing I can do or say that can make this any better.

We walk up to them, Logan's eyes lighting up as Jason lowers him to the ground. His little legs carry him towards his mom, the woman I call mine. Her hand leaves mine, she cuddles her little boy, he looks just like her with a hint of his father. The drunken man who use to cheat on Brooklyn, use to hit her when he did come home drunk.

Logan jumps into my open arms, bringing me out my thoughts. I lift him onto my hip, smiling down at the little boy that makes us a family. He makes me want kids so bad, but I'm just happy we have him.

"Mommy Soph!" He squeals in my ear, kissing my cheek.

"Hey buddy, you ready to go home?" I ask him, smiling down at him just as he yawns.

He nods his little head. I turn just in time to see Jason and my fiancé hugging, his smirk so wide. My blood boiling, my body shaking with pure anger.

"Hey Soph," Jason says, smirking at me.

I feel Logan's head on my shoulder, his warm breath against my neck. I entwine my fingers with Brooklyn, kissing her temple, smirking at a very unhappy looking Jason. His glare making me smirk harder, my body relaxing just wanting to leave him standing there.

"Babe, we have to get going," I say, kissing her cheek and pulling her away from her ex-husband I can't even stand to look at.

I slowly guide us to the exit of Sydney airport, holding Logan firm in my arms as he hides his head in my shoulder and flashes take over our vision. The sound of fans yelling our names and paparazzi hounding us is all I can focus getting away from.

"Soph...," a familiar voice speaks my name, making me stop dead in my tracks.

Slowly turning around I can see the beautiful sky blue eyes of my best friend. She holds Brooke's hand tight within her own, a hoody to hide their faces but with my eyes in her direction flash engulf them as well. I pass Logan to Brooklyn, letting her hand fall to her side as my feet carry me as fast as they can towards the black hair beauty I call my best friend and sister to anyone who asks.

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